


  • svn:eol-style: native
  • svn:executable: *
  • svn:keywords: Author Date Id Revision

# Date Author Comment
2292 09/16/2004 11:15 AM sgarg

changed function parameters in accordance with changes in PermissionController

2273 09/14/2004 03:24 PM sgarg

removed errors being generated in handling of qformat when action=insert. If qformat is not specified, xml is assumed as default.

2268 09/09/2004 03:51 PM sgarg

removed a bug which was pointed out by Bing and fixed by Jing.

2259 08/31/2004 03:45 PM sgarg

Fixed a bug in upload function. For online data updates, access was not checked.

2253 08/24/2004 03:35 PM sgarg

Fixed handling of various docid formats.

2252 08/24/2004 12:34 PM sgarg

Code added to handle errors resulting from following urls: - no action specified - no docid specified - no username specified...

2251 08/24/2004 11:14 AM sgarg

Added check for null condition so that proper error text is returned to user.

2245 08/19/2004 06:09 PM sgarg

Merging in changes made in branch 'dataaccess' by Jing Tao.

2225 07/22/2004 03:32 PM sgarg

Removed some debugging code added in last commit

2224 07/22/2004 03:29 PM sgarg

Added code to read EML2.0.1 into source code.

2169 05/14/2004 02:38 PM sgarg

Made initial changes for accepting EML version 2.1.0 in Metacat

2163 05/07/2004 04:05 PM Jing Tao

Change eml2 to eml200

2113 04/08/2004 01:49 PM Matt Jones

Added the EventLog functionality to the servlet as action=getlog. Valid parameters are ipAddress, principal, docid, event, start, end. All parameters can be repeated except start and end.

2102 04/02/2004 01:43 PM Matt Jones

Added additional logging calls for read, upload, insert, update, delete, and
other commands. Now need to get a reporting function working and this
bug 101 will be largely finished.

2101 04/02/2004 11:43 AM Matt Jones

Modified EventLog to eliminate the separate revision column and instead fold
that into the docid string. Log now includes read events, but need to update
the data sent there.

2099 04/02/2004 10:15 AM Matt Jones

Modified SQL scripts to add the new access_log table. I've partially tested this under postgres but have not yet tested under oracle.

2098 04/02/2004 09:13 AM Matt Jones

Reformatted code for readability and consistency.

2089 03/31/2004 05:49 PM Jing Tao

Revise the handle query and squery method, not finished yet.

2080 03/31/2004 11:45 AM Matt Jones

Set content type properly for getversion action.

2079 03/31/2004 11:42 AM Matt Jones

Added a simple action for finding out the current metacat version. The information is pulled from the property file, so be sure to update the version in the property file before shipping a release.

2072 03/29/2004 01:59 PM Matt Jones

Moved decision about whether to use xml_index for
query to the as "usexmlindex". Default
is now false. Still have some refactoring to do to remove a
few more uses of the xml_index table.

2067 03/26/2004 03:25 PM Matt Jones

Removed the "getdataguide" action as it was always experimental and is no longer used in metacat or morpho.

2045 03/15/2004 02:08 PM Jing Tao

Fixed the bug for sessionid storing, revision couldn't be zero and Ldap DN is case sensitive.

1956 12/10/2003 01:15 AM Matt Jones

Enabled stylesheet parameters to be passed through metacat even when the
'query' function is called. Previously, query would interpret all
parameters except a few hardcoded ones to be pathexpressions that should be
built into a squery. Now, contains a new configuration...

1951 12/05/2003 01:21 PM Matt Jones

Moved the file from the jar file to now be located in
the tomcat context directory in WEB-INF. Now the metacat configuration is
editable in place. This change depends on a new class in the
utilities module, so be sure you do a "clean" build in metacat so that you...

1906 11/18/2003 04:51 PM Jing Tao

If the sessionid is null and user will be treated as public.

1816 09/04/2003 03:22 PM Jing Tao

Fixed the bug that if path query without xml declaration will cause a non well-formed result doc.

1760 07/27/2003 08:51 PM Jing Tao

Change string to stringreader to save memory.

1723 07/02/2003 04:03 PM berkley

got interservlet session handling working.

1717 07/02/2003 12:09 PM berkley

fixed errors with jing and my merges

1716 07/02/2003 12:04 PM berkley

changes to make session management between monarch and metacat work.

1665 06/17/2003 04:06 PM Jing Tao

Revise the code for read from metcat.

1629 04/30/2003 03:04 PM Jing Tao

Add code to hanlder wirte and update funtion.

1617 04/25/2003 03:04 PM Jing Tao

Get the file size limit from property rather than hard code.

1610 04/23/2003 11:04 PM Jing Tao

Revise code to decide use which parser.

1556 04/15/2003 09:18 PM Jing Tao

Add contenttypeprovider when read a data file.

1490 03/19/2003 02:58 PM Jing Tao

Finished the implementation for action readinlinedata. The prototype is action=readinlinedata&inlinedataid=eml.23.1.1

1489 03/19/2003 11:07 AM Jing Tao

Set default content type for data file.

1483 03/18/2003 05:30 PM Jing Tao

Add a new action readilninedata for metacat. By this action, user can read inline data only.

1482 03/18/2003 02:15 PM Jing Tao

Add a flag in read action that the user want inline data in xml document or not.

1471 03/12/2003 04:26 PM Jing Tao

Add eml parser checking here.

1466 03/10/2003 11:59 AM Jing Tao

Add code to handle validate xml instance by noNamespaceSchemaLocation.

1444 03/03/2003 06:05 PM Jing Tao

Just now made a wrong sumbit and revise it.

1443 03/03/2003 06:02 PM Jing Tao

Add access query for control the return fields.

1433 02/27/2003 06:23 PM Jing Tao

Change the calling method.

1429 02/26/2003 05:36 PM Jing Tao

Chane a info for output.

1409 02/14/2003 05:01 PM Jing Tao

Set a condition to for setting eml2 parser.

1395 02/11/2003 03:05 PM Jing Tao

Change schemalocationkeywords constant from private to public and it can be reused.

1384 02/04/2003 03:48 PM Jing Tao

Add schema validation parameter here.

1377 01/28/2003 12:29 PM Jing Tao

Change some output for inser documents.

1369 01/16/2003 05:23 PM Jing Tao

Create a action setaccess for assign access rule to single file.

1360 01/08/2003 05:29 PM Jing Tao

Merge code from branch monarch.

1342 12/19/2002 10:03 AM Jing Tao

Change the code for validation.

1298 09/09/2002 03:32 PM Jing Tao

Add some debug message for displaying search time.

1293 07/14/2002 03:02 PM Jing Tao

Add a control for readForRemoteServer is only for data file.

1292 07/14/2002 12:33 PM Jing Tao

Merge cvs branch replication to cvs head.

1221 06/14/2002 09:36 AM Jing Tao

Add code to shrink connection pool size. If all connections are free.

1217 06/13/2002 11:54 AM Jing Tao

Merge DBConnection branch to head.

1142 05/24/2002 04:09 PM Jing Tao

Change back to Connection. DBConnection will store in cvs branch..

1125 05/23/2002 05:58 PM Jing Tao

Add DBConnectionPool object in servlet's init method and DBConnectionPool's release method in servlet's destory method.

1076 05/10/2002 06:24 PM Jing Tao

Add control to send data or not

1070 05/09/2002 05:40 PM Jing Tao

Add a control to get data file granted in handleUploadMethod.

1064 05/08/2002 04:06 PM Jing Tao

Delete a some useless code for connection pool

1056 05/07/2002 04:57 PM Jing Tao

Revised handleUploadRequet.

1041 04/30/2002 08:25 AM Jing Tao

Adding a hub control to data file in handleUpLoad method. Data file was changed can be replicate to all server or only home host.

1028 04/25/2002 11:21 AM Jing Tao

Adding a new feature that in uploaddatafile that the datafile can be replicated.

949 02/26/2002 01:55 PM Jing Tao

Only delete some incorrect comment.

947 02/26/2002 08:37 AM Jing Tao

The feature of check permission before Metacat handle a "read" action. If user doesn't have permission, its request will be rejected.
After creating a DocumentImpl object. A method named hasReadPermission in that class will be called to make sure the user has permission to read it.

943 02/22/2002 03:02 PM Jing Tao

A new action named export was add to it. This action will export a zip output stream for a data package. In the zip output stream, meta data documents, data files and a html summary file are include. The stucture will looks like:
package----/metadata/metadata docments...

906 01/22/2002 11:30 AM berkley

updated metacat so that the xmlparserv2.jar file is no longer needed. replaced all of teh oracle xml processing with xalan and xerces.

867 11/01/2001 02:29 PM berkley

fixed the error where the ldap authenticate took 15 seconds to execute

847 10/19/2001 02:50 PM Matt Jones

Fixed the function to return the max id for a given scope. Now the function
takes a parameter named 'scope' and returns the largest docid that has been
used under that scope in this metacat instance (it used to return the most
recently created docid, which is clearly different). For compatibility with...

846 10/19/2001 10:34 AM berkley

fixed bug where the whole filename of a data file was not appended to the file input stream so metacat just returned a null document

845 10/18/2001 04:57 PM Matt Jones

Fixed problem with metacat handleReadAction where the OutputStream from the
response object was closed and an attempt to reopen a PrintWriter was made
on the same response, which is illegal. Now the OutputStream is converted
to a PrintWriter in order to write the XML error message back to the client....

832 09/14/2001 04:00 PM Matt Jones

Added support for multiple user interfaces by enabling style sheet
transformations to be configured from within metacat rather than
from in the database. Now, metacat uses the qformat parameter to determine
a "style set", which is mapped to an xml configuration file that...

822 08/16/2001 10:48 AM Matt Jones

Revised build.xml and to make it easier to
install alternative stylesheets for metacat. In the process,
replaced the deprecated copydir and copyfile commands in build.xml
with appropriate "copy" commands.

802 07/20/2001 09:03 PM bojilova

added support for multiple group membership

800 07/20/2001 11:23 AM Matt Jones

Added fix to DocumentImpl that showed problems when the DocumentImpl(conn)
constructor was called. Now there is a new constructor:
DocumentImpl(Connection, String, boolean)
where the boolean value is used to determine if the nodeset should be
read a t the time the cosntructor is called. if false, then...

799 07/19/2001 02:20 AM Matt Jones

Completely removed the socket-server feature that used to provide
file upload. It is now replaced by multipart/form-data over http.

798 07/19/2001 01:52 AM Matt Jones

Modified Metacat to support large data file uploads. This is accomplished
by supporting a new content type for data sent to metacat:
which allows multiple files to be sent in a standard MIME format. The
MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost() method now checks the incoming content...

793 07/16/2001 12:32 PM bojilova
Included utility function about gettig the latest docid for a user:
Metacat parameters:

780 06/12/2001 02:56 PM berkley

fixed error with exception handling in metacat servlet and added new dtds to the sql script

745 05/22/2001 03:24 PM Matt Jones

Fixed bug in metacat where return doctypes were not being properly
back traced. Changed DBQuery.findDocuments() so that it no longer
takes a returndoc array, but instead retrieves the returndoc array
fromthe QUERYSpecification. The QuerySpecification was augmented...

744 05/21/2001 02:30 PM Matt Jones

Added ability to process multiple "returndoc" elements in
a pathquery document. Now, any query hit will be back traced to an
associated package if that package is listed in one of the
"returndoctype" elements.

743 05/21/2001 01:51 PM Matt Jones

Modifications that change the package handling behavior of metacat. Package
membership is now determined by an identifier being used as either the subject
or object in a triple. One can not request arbitrary returndocs -- only
those types that have package information embedded can be "returndoctype"...

738 05/04/2001 02:30 PM bojilova

fix to view abstract only when abstractpath parameter was specified

733 05/02/2001 02:52 PM bojilova

Tomcat has got configurated mime type mappings, but some are
missing. Thus added support for them in MetaCatServlet as:
File type > MIME type
.xml -> "text/xml"
.xsd -> "text/xml"
.dtd -> "text/plain"
.css -> "text/css"...

731 05/01/2001 04:42 PM bojilova

- merged "getabstract" and "getdatadoc" actions to "read" action;
- put MIME types everywhere for the returned data;
- zip when more than one doc/files were requested or when specified by qformat="zip" parameter;
- get rid of "relation" parameter, instead use "docid" parameter name only - when more that one docid - zip them;...

725 03/05/2001 04:25 PM bojilova

Included back getting the list of users and groups stored in auth scheme
through new action="getprincipals". No extra parameters are needed.
Any logged in users are able to get this information

699 02/21/2001 02:29 PM bojilova

implemented interface for download of DTD or Schema file from Metacat file system
through the params:

695 02/06/2001 01:51 PM bojilova

Included check up for <!DOCTYPE ... PUBLIC/SYSTEM ... >
in order to set the validation parser at runtime
In case of:
- no DOCTYPE declaration
- <!DOCTYPE docname>
validation is turned "off"
In case of:
- <!DOCTYPE ... PUBLIC ...>
- <!DOCTYPE ... SYSTEM ...>...

688 01/31/2001 10:05 AM bojilova

added new "getaccesscontrol" action for a given docid

680 01/19/2001 11:05 AM bojilova

included new servlet parameter "public" specifing public read access for the submitted document
the expected values are "yes" or "no"
public parameter is optional and if it is not specified, means "no"

675 01/18/2001 03:15 PM berkley

added precise location information (class.method) to each catch statement so that errors are more easily traced.

673 01/18/2001 12:46 PM bojilova

fixed typo

669 01/18/2001 11:52 AM Matt Jones

Added license terms to source code files, and cleaned up some javadoc
documentation in a few places.

667 01/18/2001 11:25 AM berkley

closed all preparedStatement variables

661 01/16/2001 01:49 PM berkley

fixed bug in data file permission checking. (commited wrong file last time)

649 01/09/2001 11:09 AM berkley

fixed minor error

648 01/09/2001 11:03 AM berkley

added support for data file upload via a random, authenticated socket.
The action added to metacatServlet is getdataport. A client can send a getdataport request. the server returns a random port number and starts a thread to handle the request on the given random port. The thread will only accept requests from the client that has the session id equal to that of the user that made the getdataport request. the user must be authenticated and logged in to make a getdataport request. Once the port number is received by the client the connection can be made. The first two parameters in the data stream must be the filename, followed by session id. (note that it only wants the session id not the whole cookie and the "JSESSION=" must be stripped from the text.) If the session number is correct, the upload is allowed, the file is written and xml_documents is updated with the new data file information.