add logout implementation - calls server and clears cookie jar.
include filename in the filepart part.
send the original filename in the upload() method since that is supported by the Metacat API.
Allow use of PID instead of docid in the Perl registry. At least for reading/editing and deleting existing content. Does not create content using a pid.
Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
Get the latest revision from metacat when a modify call docid does not have a revision number.
Add Content_type line so debug prints
Skeleton for data insertion script. Also added documentation to Metacatlibrary.
Added upload method. Modified sendData to respect form encodings and POST files.
Added setaccess method
Modified the login method in the perl metacat client so that status of the user logging is also returnedEarlier if login info was not valid, 0 was returned. And 1 is sent back if login info was valid.
Now, if valid then following values are returned to indicate user status...
Updates that allow registry script to update the lastid field more efficientlyby calling the metacat 'getlastdocid' function for a given scope. Also somedebugging support added, and a bug where the error message was inproperlysaved across calls to metacat, resulting in spurious error messages.
Added new function "getLastId" to the perl Metacat client. Returnsthe hisghest docid in use in a given scope.
This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other filesthat have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-addedelsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....