Fixed validation check for samplingDescription.
Changes to re-enable the nceas admindb access for the production install.
Removed some debugging test code that isn't needed.
Added studyExtent and samplingDescription fields to the registry to accomodateSandy's request for a temporalDescription field. This is a little more thanshe wanted, but it was needed to satisfy EML minimum requirements.
Modified LDAP authentication to support a lookup for the NRS system. Ifthe auth on the provided string fails as a DN, try to look up a newDN based on the UID. If we get a match, use that DN for auth and seeif that works. This allows us to use a referral within the...
Added taxonomic coverage and authority fields, and fixed a bug in reentrywith the methods fields. Now we are collecting information on all of theadditional fields Sandy requested except for a general temporal description,which doesn't fit neatly in EML. Will need to consider how to accomodate...
Added the ability to describe taxonomicCoverage to the registry. Thisallows an arbitrary number of species or other taxa to be listed, and theediting form can dynamically grow through a simple javascript approach(also used in Methods). Need to test thoroughly, and need to test on...
Added geographic description to the fields of data collected, as it isa required field and was being improperly defaulted to an empty string in theXML document. This is a new field for all registries.
Modifications to add "Methods" collection to the data registry, and tomake the forms HTML 4.0.1 valid (in an attempt to figure out some ofthe rendering and layout oddities I'm seeing).
New formatting and text for the NCEAS data registry.
Further changes to the registry scripts to support the NCEAS registrywith access to the project list fromthe admindb. Also, fixed a bug withthe script where creators were getting duplicated in the editing processaccidentally.
Modifications that allow working group entries to be put in as creators, anda whole bunch of re-formatting for horribly formatted code that I need toread to finish this thing up.
Updated registry further for NCEAS-specific needs. Confirm data templatenow handles new wg field. Still need to write WG metadata into EML document.
Additional work on the NCEAS/AdminDB integration. Working Groups nowpresented as a dropdown box for multiple selection. Need to write theinfo to the XML file now and handle it in confirmation template.
Preliminary changes to support the NCEAS data registry connection to theAdminDB to retrieve project lists.
Enabled stylesheet parameters to be passed through metacat even when the'query' function is called. Previously, query would interpret allparameters except a few hardcoded ones to be pathexpressions that should bebuilt into a squery. Now, contains a new configuration...
Updates that allow registry script to update the lastid field more efficientlyby calling the metacat 'getlastdocid' function for a given scope. Also somedebugging support added, and a bug where the error message was inproperlysaved across calls to metacat, resulting in spurious error messages.
Added new function "getLastId" to the perl Metacat client. Returnsthe hisghest docid in use in a given scope.
Moved the file from the jar file to now be located inthe tomcat context directory in WEB-INF. Now the metacat configuration iseditable in place. This change depends on a new class in theutilities module, so be sure you do a "clean" build in metacat so that you...
Improvements to Harvester single file upload servlets
Remove email notification from registry script.
This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other filesthat have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-addedelsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....
Remove unneeded file
If the sessionid is null and user will be treated as public.
Get rid of doctype declare in transfer.
Set system id for transforming.
Modified a method and can be reused.
If db pool size is maxium and no connection is free. The checkout will be wait.
Add a checking for xml_nodes insert finished, then start build index table.
Remove UPPER function for >, < operator.
Add a new search mode not-contains.
Modified a debug Message.
Add a new method to find document from queryspecification.
Revise code so it can be called directly.
Revied the class.
New class will be used in metacat ecogrid impl.
Updated more tests on session reuse. Made the http calls set the sessionidexplicitly rather than relying on cookies being passed around statically.Still need to modify HttpMessage to get rid of the static cookie.
Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understandable names, updated thebuild file to include some new targets for running these files, andupdated the installation docs to clarify which upgrade scripts need tobe run and when.
New versions of the Metacat client API that allow access to the sessionIdso that a session can be reused over several different instances.
Fixed the sessionId handling code to now properly return the sessionIdin the login response message. Updated junit tests to test this issue.
Modified metacat to now provide the session identifier in the responsexml message when a login is called. This has not been fully tested.I removed the HttpMessage class from metacat in favor of using the versionof that class that is found in the utilities module. This may cause some...
Fixed a bug for importing package
Fixed the bug that if path query without xml declaration will cause a non well-formed result doc.
A sample application program to call metacat string service.
Fixed some bugs in this file.
Implementation for the interface.
Add a new client interface with string type for web service.
Drop xml_accesssubtree table before the xml_document table.
in toxml method, add new code to handle dtd.
Add a new constructor to hanlde DTD node.
Add code to handle public id and system id.
Implement logout method.
Add a logout method.
Implemented the update and delete methods in the interface, along with tests.
Implemented the "insert()" method and wrote a test to test it. The new testdepends on the property "newdocid" be set to something unique in the build.xmlfile so that the insert will work properly. Probably need to fix this to besome kind of autoincrement counter or random number so that it can be run...
Refactored to use IOUtil routines. Reformatted for within-file consistency.
Implement query method.
Add metacatinaccessible exception for query.
Implemented the 'read' API call. Some more to go...
Wrote the login() function, the first of the series of API calls forthe metacat client to be implemented. Also wrote a test class totest the API functionality.
If uploading failed, the inline data will be deleted either.
If xml document uploading failed, the inline data file will be deleted either.
Added a new subpackage (edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.client) which is a clientaccess library for the metacat. There is an interface ( thatprovides simple access methods for the main metacat functions. This is tosupport clients like Morpho and others that want to programatically access...
JAVA 1.3 doesn't support this FileWriter(File fileName, boolean append). But 1.4 does.Change to FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append). Both 1.3 and 1.4 support.
Fixed bug in replication if doctype is null.
Fixed a bug that replication didn't do inline data.
Change a array size from 4*10(testing) to 4*1024.
Using reader replacing string to read inline data.
Using reader to replace string to read inline data.
Change the way to handle inline data.
When character size is greater than 4000, it will write to db.
Change string to stringreader to save memory.
Change debug level.
Change the year from YY to YYYY
Revise inital value for insert a new server. Change some debug level.
Revise initial value for server registry.
Fixed a bug in registryDataFile.
Delete a debug line.
Change the date format from yy-mm-dd to mm/dd/yy.
Change format from yy-mm-dd to mm/dd/yy.
Get rid of to_date function.
using toDate method rather than to_date function directly.
Revise the toDate method for sql server.
Get rid of toDate method and inherit from AbstractAdapter directly.
Get rid of toDate method. It inherentise from AbstractAdaptor.
Add a concrete method toDate which can transfer text string to date type.
Add new method to handle toDate function.
Fix somebugs for the script.
MetaCat Servlet changed to get correct docid
Update script for sql: change a unique constraint in xml_relation table. Adding new fields in xml_replication and xml_access table. Adding new talbe xml_accesssubtree.
EML interface Login Servlet
Metacat EMl Upload Interface
got interservlet session handling working.
Register stmml.xsd too.
Registered stmml.xsd too.
fixed errors with jing and my merges
changes to make session management between monarch and metacat work.