Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean Info", to complete the JavaBean architecture for the ClientView bean. This class can be used in java component building tools.
Initial checkin. The "Client View Bean", to provide the "model" in the MVC architecture. This JavaBean is used in client view JSP documents (the "Views")and the ClientViewHelper class (the "Controller").
Refactored almost all of the JSP API methods and fields to a new package (edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview).
Revised the access query part.
Remove the subtree constrain in access query
Add new variable indicate if this query term in a union group.
Remove an method
Change some log.
Merge the getting return fields for both elements and attributes.
Get rid of back tracing part
Fixed bug: successfully removes related sub Doc ID's from metadata.New functionality:1) Updates field in FGDC metadata Doc ID with new version of Doc ID, and2) Recurses sub-documents for deletion, when deleting an FGDC metadata Doc ID (deletes entire package).
Add debug in query method.
Several newly developed methods providing a JSP API into metacat. Most of the new methods were developed to support FGDC metadata.Some of the other new methods merely provide convenience to the JSP code. New methods include:nextVersion, getFGDCdistinfo, addDistInfoToFGDC, vectorToHtmlSelect, mapToHtmlSelect, htmlInput, getSessValue, setSessValue, query, getSelectQueryMap,...
A sql to increase column size of queryresult_string in xml_queryresult table.
Fixed bug that docid has no seperator in email.
Remove the rule that the access allow rule should equals three.
Modified method "doMetadataUpload". Improved file type parsing. Also changed call to "upload", to send Integer.MAX_VALUE as the file size,since file size is not available until read (i.e. "Content-Length", which is available, isn't the same as the individual file sizes)....
Change a log level. Sometime it confuses people.
Metacat JSP API Additions. The new methods currently only handle inserts of new metadata files and related data files. It also handles instance creation and login support, witha few convenience methodes intended to be called by a JSP file.Update and delete support will be added. Also, the new methods currently only handle FGDC metadata files. More XML grammars will be added.
Add more statement to output performance info in a file in delimitere format
Add statement to output search time to a delimitered file
Add a new method to output delimited debug info.
Add formated output for time measurement.
Add new method to record the total search time to a file.
Add new method to write debug info to a given file.
Change the debug level for some statement
Fixed bug that search "soil" will cause an exception.
paging now works in a more normal manner. also fixed a bug where the last page would display too many results.
Change the debug level for timing
Recovered some overwitten code.
updated the kepler skin to use paging. need to do a bit more work on this to make it behave more like other web applications
Changed a wrong debug information.
Fixed bug that search will get a error in adding relationship.
Add time debug information for query.
Modify the time debug message
Fixed bug that if Writer object is null, code will generate null exception
Remove the access query for return field since we remove the partial tree access control in eml.
removed a bunch of commented out code
got a better version of paging working. still needs to be cleaned up and debugged more.
Fix bug that if there is a search value is different to others, the query wouold work.
Added a new class called Sitemap that is used to generate a series of XML documents representing the URLs of metacat documents following the sitemap protocol. The Sitemap class extends TimerTask so that it can be scheduled to run once a day or so. New configuration options were added to to control where the sitemaps are written and hw often they are updated. By default we do it once a day, as more often is overkill for search engines....
transfer to value to upper case.
Added new feature to allow metacat documents to be retrieved from a URL that does not use the query url syntax, instead embedding the docid and qformat in the url path, as in this example: http://localhost:8180/knb/metacat/test.1.1/knbThis format allows clients to read documents without entering a query URL, which will be used in a subsequent step to allow search engines to better index metacat content.
Decreased the debug message priority to 'debug' level for messages when reading an XML document.
Fixed bug that modified query wasn't add.
Add some new constance
Add method to handle union operator.
Limited use of predicates in XPath return fields
Add event log for timed replication.
Add even log in replication.
Somehow the change went to the head rather than branch. So i rollback the change in head.
This commit is for branch. In this commit the correct ip and user name will be stored in access_log table in replication event. However, it only for Forcereplication. And the test isn't completed yet. This commit is only for future use.
checking in timing print statments
Add a new method to print out more effecient query.
Add new data structure and method to handle query terms which have same search value.
Add a new method to compare the query terms to see if they have same search value.
Get rid of user_owner=public part in access query.
reformatted a bit and removed unneeded code
paging now works well. sped up the caching by using SAX instead of DOM parsing. it seems fast. need some other people to test for me though. the two params needed are 'pagesize' and 'pagestart'. I haven't updated any of the web interfaces to use this, so if you want to try it, you'll have to type in the url the old fashioned way
Add a new overload method - createResultDocument and add a new check for null.
got paging working. metacat also now caches resultsets for users' sessions. the paging is a bit slow, due to some xpath statements. i need to get this optimized now.
Fix bug in advanced search that first surfaced in Java 1.5.0/Tomcat 5.5. Only set the sessid parameter if the sessionId string that is passed in is non-null.
adding changes to make paged query results possible
Add exception handle code according the change in SpacialHarvest class.
Change the exception handle way accroding the change in SpatialDataset class.
Change the shape file store object to be static and make them synchronized in order to be thread safe.
Change the constructor to prive so other class can only go through getInstance to get object.
Change some log info.
Check if the word is "infinity" before casting a string to double ojbect.
more changes for the ajax stuff. it now works on the production server
One more patch for bug 2469:Although the correct parentid values were being indexed in xml_path_indexfor leaf node xpaths, they were still incorrect for relative and absolutepaths. This patch modifies traverseParents() and changes the parent node idto be indexed to that of the leaf node, no matter if the path is a leaf,...
As a continued fix for,I've fixed the indexing implementation in both buildIndex() andtraverseParents(). Duane pointed out that the incorrect parent node idswere being indexed in xml_path_index, causing some stylesheets to render...
Replace die statement in the script
Change the behavior if the ldap server is down. Now main server is down, a html will be sent back. If it is referral, it will ignore it.
Fixed bug that eml 200 pointed eml201 schema.
As a fix to, I'm applyingthe patch sent to me from Mike Frenock when he reported this bug.
This patch changes MetaCatServlet.handleUploadAction() by first settinga boolean flag on whether the file to be uploaded exists already. If it...
This is just a code cleanup patch that re-aligns some indentations and removessome debugging code.
As a partial fix to,I've modified AuthLdap.getGroups() and removed the code that handles LDAPreferral connect and search timeout issues in a separate thread. I've replacedthis code with ReferralException code that uses two JNDI parameter settings:...
As a partial fix to,
I'm applying 3 patches to that simplify the code that addressestimeout issues when connecting and searching referral LDAP databases, fixes thegetGroups() method to correctly get groups in referral LDAP databases, and does...
Fixed the implementation of the buildIndex function which was notworking for new document insertions. A previous fix in updatePathIndexfor ATTRIBUTE data inadvertantly caused a foreign key duplicationexception for insertions of ELEMENT nodes when multiple relative paths...
Add code to handle double quotes in normalize method.
I'm fixing a compile problem under jdk 1.4.2, where the get() method inHashMap needs an Object as a parameter, not a primitive data type. I changedthe long to a Long as the lookup key.
As part of a patch fix for:
I've changed in three locations:
buildIndex() traverseParents() updatePathIndex()
This patch modifies buildIndex(). Like the prior two patches, it changes...
This patch modifies traverseParents(). It changes pathsFoundForIndexing from...
This patch modifies updatePathIndex() by changing the pathsFound input...
I've added a second constructor to The firstconstructor is used to represent a record entry from the xml_indextable, and the new second constructor represents a record entry in...
I've added the complimentary setter methods to the getter methodsthat are already present in the class:
added a method to query metacat to see if a particular docid is registered or not
finally got the getallids function working
added functionality to get a list of ids used in the system
added getalldocids function to get all docids that match a certain scope.
added gpl header to php metacat lib
Initial import of Chad Burt's ruby metacat client
added database upgrade script to 1.7 build process
initial import of metacat php client
Add a script can delete xml_revision records.
Add a script to delete documents manually.
Minor updates to python module ... default urls and license info
Added preliminary support for multiple spatial schemas in the same metacat instance .. bug 2551
Initial architecture for dynamically generating SLD/OGC:Filter documents to control which docids get shown on the map. The sldfactory servlet is in place to handle this but is not fully functional since there is currently no way to quickly and dynamically generate a list of allowable docids with a level of performance acceptable for real-time web mapping.