Fixed typos in README, update version for release.
Modified the code so that lastid file is created in a skin when lastid file is not found.Commented out the code which uses AdminDB module and uncommented the test function.
Replacing token for checkout of eml-2.0.1
Fix documentation bug. The documentation said that the operator name was INTERSECTION, but the actual name is INTERSECT.
Changes made for release 1.5
1. removed the call to QuerySpecification.printAttributeSQL() from QuerySpecification.printExtendedSQL()2. in QuerySpecification.printExtendedSQL() if ( returnFieldList.size() == 0 ) then it returns null3. DBQuery.addReturnfield() doesnt execute the element query if printExtendedSQL returns null
A minor change from containAtrributeReturnField to containsAttributeReturnField
I've added in a test in QuerySpecification.printExtendedSQL that checksto see if attributes, and sometimes only attributes, are in the originalreturnfield request. If so, the printAttributeQuery is called.
Adding lter skin.
Commenting out lines regarding /servlet/metacat again as we are trying to use "/context/metacat" where context is the tomcat context.
Fixed web.xml so that /servlet/metacat/* points to the metacat servlet
Added tomcat5 in build.propertiesIn build.xml, fixed a bug from previous commit
Changed the handleReturnField() method so that it handles path expressions withonly attributes in the path.
Added a check if printAttributeQuery() for returnPath to see that it is not null so that that this doesnt happen
xml_index.path like 'null' AND xml_nodes.nodename like 'id'
Fixed a bug in previous commit
Modified code for computing the returnfield string - earlier only elements were used to construct the string. e.g. /dataset/titleNow attributes are also added to the returnfield. e.g. title/@id
Changes in the documentation for the new release
Replaced 1.4.0 with release
Added code which checks out utilities from cvs. Modified distsrc to include utilities src also. Changed version from 1.4 to 1.5
Changing username from knb to metacat for postgres
When a path expression includes element content and attribute content, thenthe SQL generated needs to search for attribute nodetypes with parentnodenames equal to the path expression element content. However, whenonly searching for attribute content (such as just @packageId), then...
When searching for attributes in the XPATH expression, an 'index out of bounds'exception was thrown when only an attribute was included in the path string.
This fix changes the pathexpr.indexOf comparison to 0 rather than 1, sincethe index starts at 0....
dropping the sequences as well in the postgres drop list.
Added new tables from metacat 1.5 to the drop list.
Updated install instructions with IPv6 instructions for postgres.
Changed "NCEAS Data Registry" to "NCEAS Data Repository" for sender. Veronique
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Changed "registry" to "repository" for the nceas skin. Veronique Connolly
Commenting out link to /servlet from web.xml for tomcat5
Removed unwanted code.
Removing call to normalize from getNodeRecordList()
Changing the normalize function. Adding changes submitted by Johnoel. Removing code for converting " as " can be stored as it on Oracle. Removing code which strips out \n and \r
Fixed a bug in previous commit and added a test for characters like mu.
Removed occurence of enum which is a keyword in Java 1.5
Changed the queries so that PreparedStatement.setString() and .setInt() are used instead of write the string directly into the sql statements
Added code which creates the triggers for the new tables. This is for Oracle only.
Removed the code which created triggers. Added this code in the build file
Removing code added for creating nodedata column in xml_index table
Fixed typo.
Adding test for checking Metacat behaviour when characters outside A-Z,a-z,0-9 are entered.
Related bugs: 1711, 1538 (1711 has been fixed as tested by this file. Have to add code to test 1711)
Currently checking for> when < > & is entered - test fails as expected as document is invalid...
Changes made to the css files by Veronique (tablehead class).
(Committed done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Changes made by Veronique to generic guide following Mark Stromberg suggestions.
Fixed a bug from previous commit which removed whitespaces from documents.
Removed irrelevant code from previous commit
Removed code which entered value for nodedata in xml_index
Modified code such that nodedata column in xml_index is not created and used. So now we are using the same logic for using xml_index which was used for metacat release 1.4
Modified text, style and formating for the skins.
Replaced Usage Constraints with Usage Rights and Data Originator with Dataset Owner.
Modified so that database upgrade script to version 1.5 is called based on which database the user is using.
Added new database upgrade script for postgres.Modified the database upgrade script for oracleAdded comment to DBquery.javaFixed a bug in xmltables.sql
Added code so that metacat administrator can delete any document.
Added the trailing '/' that was ommitted when XPATH queries included attributes.This is a partial bug fix for:
Changed default maxHarvests value to 0. Added logic to ignore maxHarvests value when it is set to 0 or a negative number. This allows Harvester to run indefinitely without shutting down after reaching a maximum number of harvests. The previous default value of 30 would cause Harvester to terminate after 30 harvests.
Fixed bug in command-line mode which caused array index out of bounds exception.
Added code to check if the document is indexed yet! So entry into xml_queryresult is only made if the doc is in xml_index.
Added code such that an offset can be specified in for entering records into xml_queryresult table. The value of xml_returnfield.usage_count should be more than the value specified in for records to be entered into xml_queryresult. so if you want results for any combination of returnfields should be stored in xml_queryresult only after that combination has been requested 50 times, set this value to 50
Modify the update for xml_relation.
Made changes in the sql scripts to create new tables xml_returnfield and xml_queryresult
Changes for entering new records into xml_queryresult:
1. Added a function which checks if there is a record exsists in xml_returnfield table for a given combination of return fields. If a record is found, the id for the record is returned. otherwise a new record is created in the xml_returnfield table and the id of the new record is returned....
Added code for updating xml_queryresult for action=delete and action=update
For both actions, the entries in xml_queryresult are deleted.This works for action=update because deletion of entry is simple and the entries will be created again when the docid is part of a search result next time.
Added a function which gives back a string which is generated by sorting the returnfields requested for given query specifications
Fixed a bug in last commit
Added new parameters to control the size of resultset for browsers and application like morpho. Also a parameter to specify the length of xml_queryresult.queryresult_string
Changes made in the css for the skins.
Fixed some bugs from previous commits. Veronique changes the text of error messages. Added a new stage to distinguish errors because of logins.
Added new actions so that error message is not shown the first time resetPassword and changePasswords are called. Also fixed a bug where $cfg was not being passed to genericHeader.tmpl
Registry templates redesigned by Veronique Connolly and Saurabh Garg
Changes to the Data Registry Guide made by Veronique Connolly
Fixed formatting of the html page generated by using tables in all ldap files.
Changes made by Veronique and Saurabh in the css for the skins.
Made changes in the contact information for the skins.
Modified the text in the index files.
Modified the text in the header files.
Modified the offset which is used for creating the resultset. This helps in fixing the 'more than 1000 enteries in IN query' bug on Oracle.
Changes made to Data Registry Guide by Veronique Connolly
Changes made to Data Registry Form by Veronique Connolly and Saurabh Garg
Changed the code which handles Associated Party, Keywords and Taxonomic Information.
Modify harvestListEditorDist target to create the Harvest List Editor distribution using naming conventions that are consistent with other KNB releases.
Change documentType to eml://
Added a check for eml2.0.1 documents in
Add new query to fix existed xml_relation table datapackage type bug.
Using a variable to replace the hard code for namesapce in inserting record to xml_relation table.
Fixed a bug in the format of query result.
upgrade-db-1.5.sql will be written back from src to distribution src.
Added sql command to delete also schema entries also. Earlier the script only deleted old dtd entries
Add a new target to fix the bug in xml_catalog table.
SQL command to update system_id to points to localhost.
Fixed a bug which systemid will always points to knb.
Changes made in entry form based on recommendations from Laura Downey
(Commit done for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)
Made changes in admin info as requested by Mark Stromberg.
Updated the diagram with terminology that is consistent with the current harvester design.
Modify Harvester documentation to provide instructions for configuring and running Harvester as a servlet.
Formatting improvements.
Implement a new HarvesterServlet for running Harvester as a servlet. This eliminates the need to run Harvester in a terminal window. By default, the HarvesterServlet is commented out in lib/web.xml.tomcat(3,4,5). The user documentation will be modified to instruct Harvester administrators to uncomment the HarvesterServlet entry.
Add a new HarvesterServlet for running Harvester as a servlet. This eliminates the need to run Harvester in a terminal window. By default, the HarvesterServlet is commented out. The user documentation will be modified to instruct Harvester administrators to uncomment the servlet entry.
Change URL value for Harvest unit tests.
Re-implement logic to prune old log entries from the HARVEST_LOG and HARVEST_DETAIL_LOG tables. The old logic caused integrity constraint violations in the database because it tried to delete parent records from HARVEST_LOG prior to deleting child records from HARVEST_DETAIL_LOG....