Added javadoc comments for all new spatial classes. Optimized the title query in SpatialDocument.
Removed old spatial classes
Minor cartographic fixes to geoserver SLDs
Fixed polygon generator for cases where bbox crosses the dateline or the poles
Fixed up mapbuilder config for knp skin
refactory java classes for spatial harvester
initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option
inital import of html templates for web mapping
initial import of spatial libs, try2
adding xalan jars to the classpath so tht the compile works without errors.
changed the set of stylesheets which will be used for displaying eml-2.0.0 documents
Fixed parameter order for call to createSpatialQuery and fixed bounding box intersection logic.
Added OSUBS to the list of organizations.
Added OSUSB to the list.
updated README with changes for the current day.
added exception handler for normalize function. if StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown then it is reported and nodedata value is forwarded without normalization.
Cleaned up the code with proper debug statements..
Replaced getIdentifyingName and ldapAuthenticate with new code. ldapAuthenticate will first try to form a secure connection. If the secure connection fails then based on the value specifiedin, an insecure connection will be made. authenticate() function first tries to connect using the dn specified with the default ldap base and url. in case that fails,...
Added variables to specify whether only secure ldap connections should be allowed for aunthentication.
Added list of changes which are made for the 1.6 release
Update to reflect newer versions of ant, java sdk and postgres
removed the code which copies eml-2.0.09 stylesheets
Remove CR characters that were accidentally added with last commit.
Modified the sql commands such that eml-2.0.1 stylesheets are used for displaying eml-2.0.0 documents
changed padding-left value of .tablehead selector to pixel rather than percent value to fix IE autostretch problem
Correct problem with image files in skins sub-directories being corrupted by token filtering. The exclude and include tags needed to have relative paths that include sub-directories.
Remove unused images from lter skin.
updated the tag which has to be checked out for eml-2.0.1
Add qformat parameter in call to executeAdvancedSearch() method.
Refactor code to get the relative paths of the resultset XSL and search results JSP from the MetacatHelper class rather than hard-coded.
Change relative path to the login page.
Add new methods getResultsetXSL and getResultsJSP.
Add qformat parameter to runQuery() and executeAdvancedSearch() methods.
Omit unused StringTokenizer objects.
Add qformat parameter to resultsetToHTML() method. Set the qformat paramater in the transformer if it is specified.
Add serialVersionUID class variable to eliminate Eclipse warnings.
Major upgrade of lter skin. The skin now integrates the functionality of the advanced query web application (previously a separate web app) directly into the skin.
Allow admin to update any document
check for nullpointerexception
Fix for a bug in MetacatServlet. Metacat assumed that it is supposed to get the schema information from the second line of the document. This is basedon the assumption that xml decleration will always be present. This is good practice but not required. Hence the fix -> Metacat should ignore the...
Add some new fields into index element properties which david asked.
Omit the html, head, title, and body tags from the advanced search results jsp. These tags are generated in the resultset.xml stylesheet, so they are redundant here.
added message explaining procedure to obtain organization-affiliated accounts
Add new index elements for ecogrid registry in order to improve search speed.
Fix for bug# 2371
Modified code so that database is queried just once when a document is read. Currently the read is being done in the constructor and then again inthe function.
Two changes to Metacat Harvester implementation:
(1) Removed call to deprecated Thread.stop() method. Added boolean class variable, Harvester.keepRunning. When the thread is destroyed, set Harvester.keepRunning to false.
(2) Access the harvestList.xsd schema file by finding it locally in the web application rather than via a URL to
added function to get list of projects for NCEAS from a given project list
Add info for deploy ecogrid.
fixed bugs in teh client that were preventing the lsid service from working right
altered build file to reflect the non-existence of build_new.xml in the ecogrid
modified the client so it will work consistently with the web service
updated the client so it throws a DocumentNotFoundException if you attempt to read a docuemnt that doesn't exist
fix to the earlier commit. the code was dependent on 1.5. this one isnt
fix to the generateDocid() function so that the docid generated always is bigger than the earlier one.
Missed a period.
Patch to make the getLastDocid function actually work on the text node.
Patch for making getlastdocid work when the identifier is a large numbergreater than can be encompassed by an int. Now it uses a long torepresent the number, which doesn't solve the problem but probably doesmake it work for the vast majority of cases.
Added ref to the FGDC schema that I forgot to check in earlier.
Fixed typos in the build that were preventing the tests from running.
Added new function getLastDocid to the metacat client so that it isaccessible to clients that need it.
Initial thoughts about modifying the metacat data model and programs tosupport full LSID identifiers in the data model.
Fixed bug in LSID resolver (axis test page was preventing delivery ofthe authority WSDL file, and so I renamed the index.jsp file to axis.jspto get it out of the way).
Add code to handle server-config.wsdd. it is necessary to run "ant deploy-ecogrid"
Add more properties will be parsed to ecogrid.
Test checkin
Trying a chnage to the README to test CVS commit access.
Some changes to the build to make it easier to install the servlet under SSLusing https as the protocol, and also to allow ldapweb.cgi to be installedstandalone without an accompanying metacat. To do so, run both the"install-ldap" target and make sure the "account" skin is installed using the...
Modified the title if using the new account skin.
dded TLS support to the ldapweb.cgi script, cleaned up some TempToolkittemplate processing so that the results display CSS properly, and some minorformatting issues. The TLS support should probably be enabled only if theserver supports it, which can be queried with supported_extensions, but for...
New skin files for handling account management.
Changes in the spatial query. The spatial query can be generated on the client side in form of an squery rather than specifically creating one on the server side.Commented out the code which creates spatial query based on the coordinates sent to Metacat. Instead of that, a temporary method was added which creates the squery...
Removing the comments from postgres upgrade script as ant upgrade fails because of these.
Adding the xsl file for defining login behaviour for knp skin
Adding the option for NCEAS in the organization list.Adding the browse all datasets linkReplacing the links with the new dataknp links
replacing the knp urls with the new ones...
Add code for distribution to include ecogrid component.
Change ecogrid dir to metacat.dir
Add server and server url mapping for ecogrid.
Add token there.
Add a new token
Add copy a metacat.url to ecogrid.
Add the file.
Add new properties to install ecogrid.
Add target to install ecogrid.
Modified the default location of the backup files to be/var/metacat/metacat-backup.
Adding a new metacat backup shell script that collates all of the files needed by metacat into a temp directory, tars them up, and writes them to a DVD drive. The script makes some assumptions about the system, so it will need to be customized for particular deployments. It is only an example. But it may be useful to others, so it is included here.
updated some styling on the results page
changed search text
updated the index page because logging in is no longer needed.
added a rudimentary stylesheet to display the actor metadata
new skin to handle browsing the kepler archive.
fixed a bug with postgres 8.1.6 where the sequence must be created before the table is created.
iModified code -- the booleans werent really getting tested :(
iModified the switch to turn/off the spatial searching.:wq
Fixed a bug in the query system.
Eliminated bug that caused a cycle of redirects between the root of thecontext and the default skin.
Removed the header.html that was replaced with header.jsp
Factored out the search forms into javascript variables in a newcommon-settings.jsp file which is referenced from the KNP skin. Thisallows us to use the same form 3 times in different pages and makesmaintenance of the returndoctype and returnfield lists easier. The...
moved images
Now this page is in an expandable drawer.
the latest changes to the KNP skin for the map.