do not attempt to check permissions when reading documents for systemMetadata generation (unless I completely do not understand this feature - please verify!).
new EML style tag
do each table separately with it's own connection - running into memory issues on dev.nceas running this.
do not drop nonexistent table (identifier is not in 1.9.3)
This is the start of the ObjectFormatService, which manages the list of object formats registered within Metacat. This includes schema types, mime types, and other information related to a particular format. The service provides functionality for the DataONE MemberNode and CoordinatingNode components, with CoordinatingNodes providing the authoritative list of object formats. See
Bug 3835 - design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem Minor bug fix to handle irregular Metacat docids containing two or more dot ('.') characters. In the LTER Metacat, the following docids (scope and identifier, excluding the revision value) have that characteristic:...
Bug 3835 - design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem Return a 'badVerb' response when the 'verb' request parameter is missing from the request. Previously this generated a NullPointerException.
use the jaxb date parser for ISO 8601 formats. the numeric and date node values are now calculated after the document has been successfully inserted in the db so any sql exceptions do not prevent the raw node data from being saved.
rollback the accessDAO changes - leaving well enough alone.
only include accessfileid when it is not toplevel
include accessfileid and subtreeid when inserting xml_access values
use access control dao for setting access in EML parser. send additional xml_access info in replication request
insert/update documents with null user and null group to circumvent access control restrictions then update the user_owner and user_updated values to reflect what exists on the originating server (pisco)
use 'user_updated' field when writing the replicated document - allows most recent ownership/permissions to be used (in case LDAP groups have shifted) and is more accurate for both updates and initial inserts (hopefully addresses the replication issue we are having with pisco)
use newer ecogrid tag to allow omission of the ecogrid query title (as is allowed in the query.xsd schema)
add support for temporal element query in pathquery
add otherEntity physical elements to indexPaths (ndp)
replace derik's settings with previous version
add paths to indexPaths, and kar namespaces to indexNamespaces for Kepler Workflow Run Manager run-kar queries
include simple union data for search results if they are present in the resultset document
include temporal coverage dates in the path index - (for opendap metadata queries)
Fixed the testNCEASLogin() password that I mistakenly changed.
Now that MetacatHandler creates GUID identifier mappings and system metadata, many of the tests in IdentifierManagerTest were failing that were manually creating id mappings and system metadata. Modified testCreateMapping() and testCreateSystemMetadataMapping() to use docids that haven't been inserted to just exercise the methods....
Added a new test method testDeleteDocumentByGUID() to ensure MetacatHandler can delete based on GUID, but fall back to docid if the GUID isn't present. Modified CrudServiceTest and made some private methods public to leverage the D1 REST calls in that library (i.e. create() a doc with a GUID).
The DataONE service API jar has been renamed to d1_common_java-0.5.0.jar, updated the build file accordingly. Added debug echo of the test classpath.
hide the data section unless there is actually data to display
DocumentImpl.delete() now throws finer grained exceptions (not a general exception). Consequently, the classes that call it have been updated to handle the thrown exceptions, including CrudService, ReplicationHandler, and ReplicationService.
refactor the names of these Data Manager implementation classes so that it's easier to use them with the default/local versions of similar. These classes utilize Metacat-specific configuration values rather than relying soley on the bundles that are used in the stand-alone DM lib.
render the <data/> CDATA section in
- it's a csv string
To support GUIDs in MetacatHandler.handleDeleteAction(), I've added in a new method:deleteFromMetacat() - deletes a document based on the docidThis factors the deletion code out of handleDeleteAction(). handleDeleteAction() now does a docid lookup based on GUID, and if it is not found, reverts to the deletion based on docid instead.
only include data value/operator when present in the form
refresh search when the data operator changes (changing the value is less clear...keyup event seems too eager)
use correct operators
include data search - new form fields and semQuery schema to allow searching for Characteristics data
turn off the databounds layer by default
new lines were showing up in the html source becuase of whitespace in this - removed the white space and the new lines are gone...
restyle the eml display and resultset after applying new eml css to the KNB L+F
new jar files from common and client
fixed width issue with default header
new files for mets style
[untested] loop through each origin[ator] to make a row for them
restyle the resultset after applying new eml cssuse more robust form-submission js for the datapackage links
check for 'null' as well as 'public' user when rendering the header Login/Logout option
restyle default eml rendering using ESA look + feel
include eml css and then adjust lter skin to accommodate the new xsls
adjust stylesheets to accommodate new default eml rendering
use latest eml style tag
use square edges for the borders around table groups and subgroups
These are fairly significant changes to MetacatHandler.handleInsertOrUpdateAction() that add in support for creation or update of GUIDs and SystemMetadata. Upon insertion or update of DataPackages from non-DataONE aware clients (such as Morpho), the identifier table is updated by creating a GUID, and the systemmetadata table is updated with fields after the EML document is parsed for distribution information and entity typing. System Metadata documents are also generated and inserted into Metacat. The list of data entities is iterated over and System Metadata is generated for each data file as well.
In MetacatHandler I've removed updateSystemMetadata() in favor of additions to insertOrUpdateSystemMetadata(). Modified createSystemMetadata() to reflect the changes as well.
Modified MetacatHandler.createSystemMetadata() to take a localId, not a guid as an argument since there are times when the guid has yet to have been created, and it is created in this method if so. Also, put the read() call to get the InputStream of the data/metadata document into it's own try/catch statement.
adjust to fit new EML look and feel
additional overrides for color
added mets to default skin
use white links override only in header menu
force the leftnav section to wrap their links
override problematic CSS properties that were introduced as part of the new look and feel for default EML display
Somehow missed adding in javadoc for read(). Here it is.
For now, getSystemMetadata() will be private like the other *SystemMetadata() methods.
Modified MetacatHandler, updated the getSystemMetadata() method to now use read() and deserializeSystemMetadata() to produce the SystemMetadata object. Exceptions are pushed up the stack, and so accordingly, modified createSystemMetadata() to reflect the changes.
stylesheet/skins for mets data
use newer EML stylesheet tag
correctly include table cells for xsl
Modified MetacatHandler, added createSystemMetadata() - generates SystemMetadata objects for newly inserted data or documents. This is intended to be used from handleInsertOrUpdateAction(), and only for documents being inserted from clients that don't support the DataONE interface. The method parses EML documents to discover data entities, and updates the system metadata for those entries, with support for describes and describedBy metadata. Currently doesn't handle FGDC, etc. documents....
Modified MetacatHandler, added three methods:getSystemMetadata() - returns a SystemMetadata object from the systemmetadata table using the given GUID. Stub only.updateSystemMetadata() - updates the systemmetadata table using the given SystemMetadata object....
Modified MetacatHandler and added two methods:serializeSystemMetadata() - Serialize a SystemMetadata object to XML stringdeserializeSystemMetadata() - Deserialize a SystemMetadata object from an XML string
Modified MetacatHandler, added read() - Read a document from metacat and return an InputStream. The XML or data document should be on disk, but if not, read from the metacat database. This method should be optimized, along with others, to not write stream data to disk for performance reasons.
To support generation of SystemMetadata and GUIDs, added a number of methods to MetacatHandler that are also in CrudService(). CrudService should eventually be refactored to use the handler methods. Added:readFromFilesystem() - Read a file from Metacat's configured file system data directory, and return a FileInputStream. This code has been factored out of handleInsertOrUpdateAction()....
fixed bug where the wrong checksum alg got written to the db
Updated DROP script that was missing tables and sequences.
added file extension for txt or csv files
correctly pass the search class and value when perfroming Protocol-based and Measurement-based queries (copy and paste oversight).
To support the generatemissingsystemmetadata REST call, modified CrudService.createSystemMetadata() to use DataoneEMLParser and further determine object formats from EML metadata. Formats currently supported are text/plain, text/csv, image/[jpg|jp2|bmp|tiff|png], and only for EML documents with 'ecogrid://' defined entity urls....
make Data Object link more subtle since it now appears for each attribute
update skin to use new annotation schema -
adding more debuggin and fixing bug with systemmetadata
new d1_common jar
Make the schema with included schemas valid.
Add a xml file for inserting during test.
Add a method to test download a schema with included schemas.
Add code to download the included schema.
fixed replication bug where systemmetadata was not getting procssed correctly
think I fixed the connection problem. one connection in IdentifierManager was being leaked. added more debug info in case it happens again
Add a test file for XMLSchemaServcieTest.
Add a static method to get base url base on a schema url.
Add a junit test file for testing the XMLSchemaParser class.
Add test schema for downloading included xsd file.
A sax handler class can get included schema path.
remove old spatial templates
remove JPL NASA layer - no longer operational
photoshop file for creating the on/off query widget for openlayers
remove sanparks boundaries from the default map, but allow them to be added as an additional layer from the saeon/sanparks skin.use css to style the spatial query search widget control
added some debug info to DBConnectionPool
include title for the spatial query control widget (on hover)
removed comments from crudservicetest
fixed typo that prevented replication
fixed node response bug
add custom Pan/Zoom/Query control.
fixed update problem