exlude /lib/maven from the war file
If the solr engine is disabled, the metacat index will do nothing.
Use the new name of a method.
Rename a method to isEnabled.
Updated documentation, and added modification date to the sitemap index file entries.
Remove unused import.
Mofdified Sitemap class to also generate the sitemap index file that is needed when more than one sitemap file is provided.
Remove the junit test for an obsoleted class.
Remove the obsoleted class.
Add a junit test class for EnabledQueryEngines.
Add a test base class.
Add a class to repsent the enabled engine list.
Change the junit version to 4.8
use ContentTypeInputStream interface (and ByteArray implementation) to specify the desired content-type of the InputStream returned by MN.query().
Add the new property dbquery.enabledEngines=pathquery,solr.
load the evicted SM back into the map on a "Refresh" so that listeners hear the update. (metacat-index, for example)
set the dataone.hazelcast.location.clientconfig property to be the local config file. It will be used in the d1_cn_index_processor
use DataONE cilogon skin so that we are not prompted for certificate duration (and to make it more cohesive as a prototype using the Metacat DataONE skin
switch back to log4j statements now that I am sure certificate delegation is working.
add link to login or switch user
add simple page to show logged-in user subject DN
use System.out.println until the oa4mp logging issue is resolved.
Read the waiting time and maximum attempts from the metacat.properties file.
Add the waiting time and max attempts for regenerating the index.
use filesystem store. in-memory store seems to get into deadlock with multiple environments accessing it.
add logging for portal certificate look up process.
Add some new properties for the test.
use relative path for oa4mp_client.xml (within servlet context). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5936
use in-memory storage for myproxy. at least for now.
Add a property containing the list of the resource map namespaces.
Index the none-resourcemap data objects first, then the resourcemap objects.
used pk8 format private key file name
use java 1.6 compliance for compilation
first pass at integrating CILogon/MyProxy certificates in Metacat. Configuration is specific to mn-demo-4.test.dataone.org for the time being (this will cause localhost deployments to fail webapp deployment). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5936
Updated Sitemap generation to use latest version of the sitemap protocol schemas.
Try to get the metacat ids first.
Use SolrQueryServiceController to get the ValidFieldList.
Remove the code to throw an exception if the subjects is null in the query method.
changed the xpath to get solr_spec_version.
Use the SolrQueryServiceController to get the spec version and index schema information.
Add some new properties for the http solr server.
Add the getIndexFields and getValidIndexFields methods.
Add getSolrSpecVersion method for the HttpServer and the controller.
Imeplement the getSolrVersion, getSchemaField and getValidSchemaFields for the EmbeddedSolrServer.
Change the package of SolrQueryReponseWriterFactory and SolrQueryResponseTransformer.
Change the package name of SolrQueryResponseTransformer and SolrQueryWriterFactory.
move SolrQueryResponseTransformer and SolrQueryReponseWriterFactory to the query package.
Move it to the query package.
move it to the query package.
Use the new query(SolrParams param) method of the SolrQueryServiceController.
Remove the query(String query) methods from SolrQueryService.java.
Use the SolrQueryServiceController class to handle the query.
Add the depency of d1_cn_index_processor here.
Remove the depency on the d1_cn_index_processor.
move the depency of d1_cn_index_processor to the metacat-common module.
Use one query method in the SolrQueryServiceController.
Move the solr query part here since metacat-index needs to query the solr server too.
Use the sepcified exceptions to replace the Exception.
Add the code to add a resource map information.
Add code the transform query response to SolrDoc.
Move the cod which transformed the query response to the inputstream to the metacat-common module.Remove some obsoleted imports.
Add a transformer to process the query response object.
Move the code to generate the QueryResponseWriter to the metacat-common module. So it can be shared with the metacat-index module.
Add a new class to create the solr QueryResponseWriter.
use pid, not docid as the parameter to the registry when editing/deleting objects since the vlaue is really the pid. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5932
exclude jibx-tools, maven cruft and org.eclipse "dependencies" to cut down on the number of jar files in the lib folder.
organize imports
format before editing
use java 1.6 for maven compiler
use correct test for PID param.
remove extra lines from returned <docid/> block. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5932
move to libclient/common snapshot to match metacat-common project.
Use the new class to handle the resource map.
Modify the subprocessor to use SolrServer rather than solr service url.
Allow use of PID instead of docid in the Perl registry. At least for reading/editing and deleting existing content. Does not create content using a pid. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5932
initialize the SOLR home directory if it does not already exist.
Add code to test title for the query result.
Rewrite some methods, so the query result can be processed many times.
Add code to wait the readiness of the hazelcast service.
Use the DistributedMapsFactory to get maps.
Add a class to get distributed maps such as the system metadata map.
Removed the comment on the process of building index.
Add code to wait the startup of the MNode.
Removed the commented out text cases and add a test for archvied document.
Only after reloading the core, the query result can reflect the change made in metacat-index module.
Use the log info to replace the print.
Add log information for archiving or inserting indexes.
Consider mutithread issue there.
Fixed a bug to put "OR" correctly in the query. And remove the user "authorized_user" from the rightsholder clause in the query.
Use the set of subjects to replace the user and groups for the solr query.
Call setting certificate location to be the test one after getting the MN baseurl.The method to getting MN baseurl somehow calls CN and it set the certificate location to be /var/metacat/certs/METACAT1.pem.
escape reserved XML characters when constructing a pathquery from user input (&). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3017
escape special XML characters when constructing a pathquery from user input (&). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3017
Add a distrusted certificate for the testing.
Use the MNode to query the server when we use certificates to set up the session.
Add the code to test the user with a distrusted certificate.
add note about metacat.properties backup. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3085
remove xslt sort for solr search results in case someone actually specifies a sort field in the query. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3397
adjust action=zip behavior to use full docids and entity names (data files) for the zip entry. Also uses the given qformat to render the metadata. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3816