Rename the ca certificate file.
When start tls, the verify was changed to "require" rather than "none".
Add a new property to sepcify the ldap ca cert location.
Include the ldap-dev ca cert in the war file.
Add the ldap-dev ca certificate.
Change the default value of context name to be identity.
Use the identity.war to replace the account.war.
point users to the geoserver admin page deployed in the separate geoserver webapp (thanks, TFRI!)
add indices for access log performance during upgrade to 2.3.0.
use https for imports so they can load in https deployments.
Use ";" rather than "," to separate the organization names.
add ou=Account to the default
set the page title without always using "Data" in the name - rely on the values to drive that in the template.
show recaptcha on load without user having to click. works in both metacatUI and in traditional server-side skin (cfg=account)
do not use bullets in ul.
include header/footer code in the ldap templates for the account skin.
bring identity management more in line with the current nceas look and feel
make account index.html more dynamic for our typical installations. May still require a context configuration value to be manually specified, but at least the default will work and we don't need to hardcode a hostname.
Change the mime type to text/xml.
Add the nceas' logo here.
Add nceas's logo.
Use java script in the index.html to create the page. So the account skin doesn't involve any java classes.
Use the special web.xml to build the account.war.
Add a specify web.xml for the account war file which only contains the cgi and style stuff.
use metacatUI 1.2.0 tag for building into Metacat 2.3.0 release.
use 2.3.0 without SNAPSHOT pre-release.
switch to 1.2 branch of metacatui and make sure fullclean actually removes the metacatui_build directory.
surround the ldap account tools in a div so we can replace them with theme-specific links as needed in the metacatUI.
always return the metacat logout form when calling the perl registry logout action, even when there is no perl session to invalidate -- needed for metacatui.
use "Username" in header
include update statement for marking newer revisions
use UI RC3 tag
use RC2 metacatui tag
use RC1 metacatUI tag
generate ORE object when publishing even if there was not an ORE for the original package.
set registry permissions when configuring the exploded war on *nix systems.
Add the methond named isAuthoritativeMNodeAdmin method. It applies to both CN and MN methods.
include href on the captcha link so that it shows as a pointer -- but doesn't navigate anywhere.
include perl DateTime module in registry install instructions.
actually remove the entry if it is expired (uncomment the function call).
correct the createTimestamp filter and search base -- only remove inetOrgPerson entries, not any underlying structure that was added to store these temporary accounts.
On calls to archive(), log the correct call (not delete()).
correct some syntax errors, date filter formatting.
Renamed the test class.
Rename the IndexGenerator to IndexGeneratorTimerTask.
clear temporary accounts that have not been activated after a configurable number of hours.
change method name from copy and paste.
add more details about 2.3.0 features in the README
do not include default organization for the metacatui "skin"
do not include admin moderator for registry entries by default.
show the Organization input field now that we will use keywords for the working group.
Fixed a bug that when a data file was archived, the solr index for the metadata object still kept the "documents" element.
made the delete method synchronized.
If an object was archived, the solr index will be removed for it.
Create a utility target to generate a war file which manage ldap accounts - register, password set.
Make UI include the Organization (called "site" in the form params) instead of the registry code.
Adding theme configuration screenshot to docs
use 2.3.0 for this next release of metacat.
correct rst formatting.
make sure all versions are using 2.2.2 of some sort -- thinking of making this release a 2.3.0 release because we will be branching/tagging from the trunk, not the 2.2.x branch.
add 2 indexes to speed up dataONE log retrieval.
Added Lauren to contributors list in the metacat guide, and made the two lists match in sort order.
1.Remved the dependency on solr-core since the metacat-common alreay has the dependency.2.Excluded the slf4j-log jar files since we are using slf4j-log4j jar file.
Use the slf4j-log4j jar to replace slf4j-jdk one.
Change the version to 2.2.2
Fixed a bug that the configuration page shows complete even though the DataONE configuration hadn't done yet.
Add a util class for dataone configuration.
Change the button from Cancel to Bypass. So it is consistent with the Geoserver configuration page.
Add a jsp file to display the schema modification exception.
Add code the display the SchemaModification exception.
Fixed a catch clause syntax which is only compatible with java 1.7.
Add code the overwrite the schema.xml in the solr-home/conf.
Add two scripts to update the db to 2.2.2
Fixed a bug that the group information couldn't be retrived from the session.
Change the guid.ezid.uritemplate.metadata property value to the hostname only, with no context
Add properties to keep the hash values for the schema.xml of the solr.
Fixed compile error that an ioexception should be caught.
Use the setting from the metacat-common component.
Some settings will be shared between metacat and metacat-index components.
prep project for 2.2.1 patch release -- will also merge to the 2.2.x branch.
correctly configure metacat-index to use metacat context/deployment location.
Change the svn location of the schema.xml file to d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.1. The 1.2.1 release is a "buildout" release. There was no code change.Skye change the attribute "stored" to be true for the authorSurNameSort and authorGivenNameSort. Otherwise the sorting will fail.
Reviewed code for all uses of FileInputStream, checking to see if the method should be closing the stream, and if so, closing it in the method as well as in the finally clause to ensure we don't leak file descriptors.
Sparate the action reindex and reindexall.
The checked-out schema.xml will overwrite the one in src/main/resource/solr-home/conf.
Closing some more streams that were left open. This Bug #6136 seems to be pervasive and is going to require an extensive audit to find all of the places where streams are not closed properly.
Adding build files to ignore.
Refactor to use IOUtils.closeQuietly() which handles nulls and streams that are already closed.
Added close() to finally block for readFromFileSystem() call.
Closing FileOutputStream handles so that the OS limits on filehandles are not exceeded.
Use the d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0 version.
Remove those files. They will be get from the d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0 jar.
Use the schema for the d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0
combine the index code for failed ids and other ids.
Clean up the code.
The IndexGenerator will index the obsoleted data objects as well.
add sample SSLCertificateChainFile directive to DataONE section.
Remove the obsoletes chain from the update method in the SolrIndex class.
When an object is archvied, the solr index will not be removed.