Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemalLocation and refactory the code.
Add the code to handle the exception which is throwed when the local schema can't be found for a given namespace or format id.
Add the code to throw an exception to tell users that the namespace or format id was not registered in Metacat.
Add the test methods for methods which can figure out the schema location.
Add the methods to figure out the schema location base on namespace, format id or no-namespace-schema-location uri.
Add a new constant for no-namespace schemas.
Add a method to get the type.
Add a method to get the type of the schema.
Add a new class represent a schema without a namespace.
Change the type for the no-name-namespace schema from Schema to NoNamespaceSchema.
Add a junit test class.
Add a test document with the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute.
Add a SAX parser to determine the namespace of a xml object. It only parses the root element, then stops.
Put the formatid and nonamespace_schema_location into one record for fgdc.
Add the code to create a new column on xml_catalog table.Register the nonamespace format id or uni on the xml_catalog table.
Add the script to upgrade db to version 2.7.2
Add the fgdc schemas which downloaded from
Disable the feature of downloading external schemas.
Change the log information a little bit.
Add the test files.
use the new rules to validate an xml object base on dtds.
Add a dependency on servlet-api.jar with the scope "provided".
Show the annotation target under the attribute name
Add the release note for 2.7.2
Every time when we modified the file through the PropertyService, the Setting class will be updated as well. Otherwise, the values on the Setting class are still the old one.
Remove the oracle support.
Move the "go back to editing" button to the top of the confirm page too.Make sure all links in the confirm stage open up in a new window. Make the "yes submit" button styled as the primary choice.
Added the double quotes on the file name of the http header "content-deposition". This can handle the special characters on the file name.
Move the "MultiSelector" JS from the entryForm.tmpl to the entryForm.js. This ensures that the JS will run after all the functions in entryForm.js are declared. This was causing JS bugs in the registry and metacatui.
Make sure all links in the registry form and registry guide open up in a new tab.
Give the EML title HTML container a distinct class to hide it in MetacatUI (rather than using jQuery to hide it in MetacatUI. This is faster.)
Add a depency on the target giteml. Otherwise, the checkout will not happen.
Migrate the metacat build.xml to use Git for EML files rather than SVN. This addresses issue #7076 for the trunk, but will need to be checked and possibly merged into release branches as needed.
handle redirecting Metacat "shortcut" URLs when docid is given with and without revision.
fixed typos.
Add the release note for 2.7.1
Comment out the "version" which format is x.y. We only use the "release" which format is x.y.z.
Change the link for http//:knb to https://knb
Worked around to remove all hard-coded release number on the code. Now the documentation will read the Metacat release number from the file and we don't need to manually edit the release number anymore.
Remove some hard-coded link on the release number. But there are still have four ones on the http link.
With the help of Roger, the release will read the version from the file rather hard-coded.
Use the variable release to replace the hard-coded version.
Use the variable release to replace the hard-coded version. The release variable can be modified on the file.
Merge changes from 2.7 branch
Use the |today| which will be auto generated the current date to replace the hard code of the release date.
Change the version and release to 2.8.0.Add a date format property.
Move the seek check-out directory from ../seek to build/seek.Don't include the seek directory on the source distribution.
Update the trunk with the confirmData template based on the 2.6.0 tag.
Change the newest version to 2.8.0
Change the version to 2.8.0
Add the upgrade script for 2.7.1
Add the update 2.7.1 sql to the trunk.
Replaced the JiBXException by MarshallingException.
Remove the import of JiBXException.
Replace the JiBXException by our own MashallingException.
Increase the d1 componenets version to 2.3.0 snapshot.
Centralize the version which will be modified. Bump the d1_cn_index_processor version to 2.3.0 snapshot.
Centralize the d1_common_java_version property. Bump the version to 2.3.0 snapshot.
add sample DCX document for debug comparison.
Remove template variable assignments that weren't removed in the merge from the 2.6.0 branch to 2.7.0.
Add the property to call the solr schema upgrade java code.
Add the code to upgrade the solr schema.
Add the check objectFormat is not null before we try to get the mediaType object from the object in the getObject method.
Don't need to add "." for file name between the identifier and file extention in the getObject method.The v1 getExtension method includes '.'. But the v2 version doesn't include it.
Add small change to reset the content type of CSV files to text/csv when they are incorrectly set by Windows clients to an excel type. Addresses issues raised in Arctic Data ticket:
Use the method getContextURL rather than getSecureContextURL in the getCapacities method.So if the server doesn't support sll, the getCapacities will return a baseURL with http.
render temporal periods and single dates.
surround onedcx metdata display in form-horizontal section for more consistent layout with other metadata standards.
place bounding coordinates in controls-well.
Add a system property to pass maven home directory to maven call.
Added the release noe for 2.7.0
consolidate online access section. format xsl whitespace
Change the db upgrade script to 2.8.0
Add the version table to 2.8.0
Add a upgrade script for 2.8.0
Change it to 2.8.0 version.
Change the version to 2.8.0 snapshot.
Change the trunk to 2.8.0 version.
add rendering for onlink to FGDC xslt.
add creators and online access sections for DCX.
add first pass at DCX XSLT.
merge from 2.6 branch: include multiple alternate identifiers in hidden form if there is an error that needs to be corrected and resubmitted.
correct two minor differences from 2.6 merge: formatId parameter for MetacatHandler and using AuthUtils for gathering group membership information.
use metacat ui 1.11.3 tag
Merge in changes from the 2.6.0 release.
Merge changes from the 2.6.0 release.
merge from 2.6 branch: add support for EML 2.1.1 to DC crosswalking for OAI provider.
use correct Metacat API action for retrieving access control block
If the client certificate is null, Metacat will throw an exception.
merge from 2.6 branch: changes to include expect header and validatesession method
merge from 2.6 branch: use AuthUtils to gather user group subjects
merge to trunk from 2.6 branch: action=validatesession can handle Authorization token
merge to trunk: debugging statements that were added in 2.6 branch
Merge changes from the 2.6.0 branch in MNodeService.allowUpdating() so it honors the localhost MN certificate.
Process the noaa variant of isotc211.
Add the file from d1_cn_index_processor.