


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 173 over 24 years Matt Jones modified shell scripts to support new parser lo...
  docs 138 over 24 years Matt Jones updated javadoc documentation
  images 104 over 24 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 179 over 24 years Matt Jones fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that do...
  src 178 over 24 years Matt Jones fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that do...
  xmldbms 14 about 25 years Matt Jones added Ron Bourret's xmldbms package for loading...
  xsqltest 95 almost 25 years Matt Jones updated style sheet locations
Makefile 2.55 KB 107 over 24 years Matt Jones updated javadoc documentation
build.xml 2.55 KB 116 over 24 years Matt Jones moved shell scripts to bin dir, config files to...
test-query.xml 700 Bytes 179 over 24 years Matt Jones fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that do...
test.xml 328 Bytes 67 almost 25 years Matt Jones modified make to add xml validation code

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
179 06/20/2000 03:37 PM Matt Jones

fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that does UNION or INTERSECT set operations for query group combinations

178 06/20/2000 03:31 PM Matt Jones

fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that does UNION or INTERSECT set operations for query group combinations

177 06/19/2000 06:42 PM Matt Jones

finsihed basic functionality for structured queries based on the DBQuery and QuerySpecification classes

176 06/19/2000 05:44 PM Matt Jones

added code to build an index of the paths through the DOM tree to each node in the tree as the node is being inserted

175 06/19/2000 02:24 PM bojilova

db trigger xml_nodes_before_insert no longer in use

174 06/19/2000 02:15 PM bojilova

for safe nodeid generation

173 06/16/2000 04:42 PM Matt Jones

modified shell scripts to support new parser locations and syntax changes

172 06/16/2000 04:24 PM Matt Jones

completed work on creating structured query prototype in DBQuery and QuerySpecification classes

171 06/16/2000 03:39 PM bojilova

added missed conn.close()

170 06/16/2000 01:31 PM Matt Jones

continued work on structured query. Now QuerySpecification generates SQL for a given xml input, and DBQuery uses that SQL to send the query to the db

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