


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  com 71 almost 25 years higgins Catalog files from arbortext added
  edu 1956 over 21 years Matt Jones Enabled stylesheet parameters to be passed thro...
  perl 1977 about 21 years Matt Jones Modifications that allow working group entries ...
addforeignkeyfortable.sql 135 Bytes 1626 almost 22 years Jing Tao Create a foreign key for table accesssubtree.
clear.sql 312 Bytes 704 about 24 years berkley added removal of relations
loaddtd.sql 2.36 KB 979 almost 23 years Jing Tao Change every "http://@server@ to "@systemidserv...
loaddtdschema.sql 2.64 KB 1719 over 21 years Jing Tao Registered stmml.xsd too.
loadschema.sql 293 Bytes 1720 over 21 years Jing Tao Register stmml.xsd too.
showdoc.sql 340 Bytes 390 over 24 years Matt Jones Added new utility query to return all of the xm...
sqlcatlist.sql 253 Bytes 123 almost 25 years Matt Jones Modifying storage model to use DOM TEXT nodes
sqldoclist.sql 209 Bytes 531 over 24 years Matt Jones Changed utility query to include the user_owner...
sqlnodeslist.sql 94 Bytes 108 almost 25 years Matt Jones added utility files and queries
sqlnodesview.sql 358 Bytes 166 over 24 years Matt Jones minor modifications to fix problems introduced ...
sqlrevisions.sql 205 Bytes 203 over 24 years Matt Jones Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and a...
upgrade-db-to-1.2.sql 596 Bytes 1827 over 21 years Matt Jones Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understan...
upgrade-db-to-1.2_postgres.sql 637 Bytes 1827 over 21 years Matt Jones Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understan...
upgrade-db-to-1.3.sql 1.44 KB 1827 over 21 years Matt Jones Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understan...
upgrade-db-to-1.3_postgres.sql 2.56 KB 1827 over 21 years Matt Jones Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understan...
xmlpackage.sql 1.94 KB 439 over 24 years berkley sql file defining the table structure for eml-p...
xmltables-sqlserver.sql 9.49 KB 1806 over 21 years Jing Tao Drop xml_accesssubtree table before the xml_doc...
xmltables.sql 10.4 KB 1625 almost 22 years Jing Tao Add a foreign key in xml_accesssbutree table.
xmltables_postgres.sql 9.1 KB 1620 almost 22 years Jing Tao Add a foreign key constrain in xml_accesssubtre...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1977 12/18/2003 05:08 PM Matt Jones

Modifications that allow working group entries to be put in as creators, and
a whole bunch of re-formatting for horribly formatted code that I need to
read to finish this thing up.

1975 12/18/2003 01:45 AM Matt Jones

Updated registry further for NCEAS-specific needs. Confirm data template
now handles new wg field. Still need to write WG metadata into EML document.

1974 12/17/2003 05:37 PM Matt Jones

Additional work on the NCEAS/AdminDB integration. Working Groups now
presented as a dropdown box for multiple selection. Need to write the
info to the XML file now and handle it in confirmation template.

1973 12/17/2003 02:58 PM Matt Jones

Preliminary changes to support the NCEAS data registry connection to the
AdminDB to retrieve project lists.

1956 12/10/2003 01:15 AM Matt Jones

Enabled stylesheet parameters to be passed through metacat even when the
'query' function is called. Previously, query would interpret all
parameters except a few hardcoded ones to be pathexpressions that should be
built into a squery. Now, contains a new configuration...

1955 12/09/2003 11:42 PM Matt Jones

Updates that allow registry script to update the lastid field more efficiently
by calling the metacat 'getlastdocid' function for a given scope. Also some
debugging support added, and a bug where the error message was inproperly
saved across calls to metacat, resulting in spurious error messages.

1953 12/05/2003 07:01 PM Matt Jones

Added new function "getLastId" to the perl Metacat client. Returns
the hisghest docid in use in a given scope.

1951 12/05/2003 01:21 PM Matt Jones

Moved the file from the jar file to now be located in
the tomcat context directory in WEB-INF. Now the metacat configuration is
editable in place. This change depends on a new class in the
utilities module, so be sure you do a "clean" build in metacat so that you...

1949 12/04/2003 09:49 AM Duane Costa

Improvements to Harvester single file upload servlets

1936 11/24/2003 10:44 AM Matt Jones

Remove email notification from registry script.

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