


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  docs 2020 about 21 years sgarg Comments and notes on registry by Rick Reeves a...
  lib 2074 almost 21 years Matt Jones Changed printAttributeQuery() to no longer depe...
  src 2074 almost 21 years Matt Jones Changed printAttributeQuery() to no longer depe...
  test 2074 almost 21 years Matt Jones Changed printAttributeQuery() to no longer depe...
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 5.26 KB 1776 over 21 years Jing Tao Revise it a little bit. 1.61 KB 2071 almost 21 years Matt Jones Replaced properties file that I accidentally ov... 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 38.6 KB 2059 almost 21 years Duane Costa Changes to harvester targets

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2074 03/30/2004 10:02 AM Matt Jones

Changed printAttributeQuery() to no longer depend on the xml_index table. Now, if useXMLIndex is false, the method will use a recursive query on xml_nodes to match paths instead of using xml_index.

2073 03/29/2004 03:50 PM Matt Jones

Some refactoring of the printExtendedSQL()
methods to eliminate redundancy in the code and
to provide more readable documentation.

2072 03/29/2004 01:59 PM Matt Jones

Moved decision about whether to use xml_index for
query to the as "usexmlindex". Default
is now false. Still have some refactoring to do to remove a
few more uses of the xml_index table.

2071 03/29/2004 11:39 AM Matt Jones

Replaced properties file that I accidentally overwrote. Reverting to 1.3.

2070 03/29/2004 11:36 AM Matt Jones

Removed unused references to abstractpath, and some unudes javascript.

2069 03/29/2004 11:24 AM Matt Jones

Created new printExtendedSQL function that can get the extended
return fields using only xml_nodes and not xml_index. One
step closer to eliminating the dependence ofn xml_index.

2068 03/26/2004 05:40 PM Matt Jones

Created test class QuerySpecificationTest and started process of removing the xml_index from the QuerySpecification code. Reformatted some classes for readability.

2067 03/26/2004 03:25 PM Matt Jones

Removed the "getdataguide" action as it was always experimental and is no longer used in metacat or morpho.

2066 03/26/2004 02:47 PM Matt Jones

removed the 3 versions of printPackageSQL which are no longer used by metacat. This eliminates some dependency on xml_index.

2065 03/26/2004 02:42 PM Duane Costa

Harvester properties file

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