


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 366 over 24 years Matt Jones Modified binaries to change classpath for metac...
  docs 207 over 24 years Matt Jones added new javadoc documentation for new classes
  images 104 almost 25 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 387 over 24 years berkley redirector to access the marine servlet
  src 389 over 24 years Matt Jones Updated documentation for 76 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
build.xml 5.08 KB 378 over 24 years Matt Jones Changed release to version to alpha 8 (1.0a8) a...
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
test.xml 328 Bytes 67 almost 25 years Matt Jones modified make to add xml validation code

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
389 08/21/2000 02:55 PM Matt Jones

Updated documentation for

388 08/21/2000 02:52 PM Matt Jones

Modified the DBReader and ElementNode classes to more efficiently read
documents from the database. In the old implementation, a db connection
was opened for each and every node in a document, recursively fromthe root
node. In the new implementation, all of the data from xml_nodes is...

387 08/18/2000 03:48 PM berkley

redirector to access the marine servlet

386 08/18/2000 03:45 PM berkley

modified the xsl to work with the new servlet architecture.o

385 08/18/2000 03:44 PM berkley

marineServlet now overrides the transformQuery() function to allow it to put the values back into the text boxes of the xsl stylesheet rendered form.

384 08/18/2000 03:41 PM berkley

-fixed the bug where a pathquery document was not valid inside of the <query> tags in a resultset document.
-provided override support for a new function called transformQuery() which allows specific applications to
customize what is returned in the <query> tag

383 08/18/2000 11:05 AM Matt Jones

Fixed small bug in transforming the document to HTML. If there was
no stylesheet for a given doctype, and so the transformation couldn't
occur, the XML doc was returned, but the content-type was still set
(incorrectly) to html. Now it is not set to text/html when an xml doc is...

382 08/18/2000 10:56 AM berkley

removed extraneous protected tags and replaced them with private tags

380 08/18/2000 10:38 AM Matt Jones

Modified behavior of handleSQuery() to now send the resultset document
back to the client application -- this was a bug introduced by recent
changes to the servlet. Also, generally cleaned up the servlet to
produce cleaner documentation and removed some extraneous code and remarks....

379 08/18/2000 09:31 AM bojilova

decrease the number of "initialConnections" to 5, "increaseConnections" stay 5, decrease the "maximumConnections" to 10

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