


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 407 over 24 years Matt Jones Folded the functionality from DBWriter into Doc...
  docs 207 over 24 years Matt Jones added new javadoc documentation for new classes
  images 104 almost 25 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 406 over 24 years berkley removed extraneous dash (-) from output loop th...
  src 411 over 24 years bojilova Changes with Srb authentication: including quer... 76 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
build.xml 5.61 KB 412 over 24 years berkley fixed typ-o
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
test.xml 328 Bytes 67 almost 25 years Matt Jones modified make to add xml validation code

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
412 08/25/2000 01:56 PM berkley

fixed typ-o

411 08/25/2000 01:49 PM bojilova

Changes with Srb authentication: including quering of Srb/MCAT during the Srb connection for:
- groupname of connected user
- list of groups and users in MCAT for ACL function for MetaCat

410 08/25/2000 01:17 PM berkley

update of build.xml based on Matt's recommendations

409 08/25/2000 11:59 AM berkley

added an image-path property to get around the messed up images when loading images from tomcat. To add your own image directory,
create a directory under /opt/httpd/html/img/ and add the path to the image-path property in build.xml. Then all img tags in your documents...

408 08/24/2000 06:28 PM Matt Jones

Continued code redesign for the DocumentImpl class. Now the "delete" and
"write" methods are static, so a DocumentImpl objject need not be created
in order to initiate a INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE action (it is created
implicitly by the DBSAXHandler). When doing a "READ" action, one still...

407 08/24/2000 04:47 PM Matt Jones

Folded the functionality from DBWriter into DocumentImpl, continuing the
work started earlir to create a more DOM-like model for the classes, in
which a single DocumentImpl class handles both reading and writing of
documents to the database. Modified shell scripts and MetaCatServlet to...

406 08/24/2000 08:57 AM berkley

removed extraneous dash (-) from output loop that was entered unintentionallyi

405 08/23/2000 03:55 PM berkley

changed the field names to be case-sensitive in the returnfields

404 08/23/2000 03:54 PM berkley

changed the field names to be case-sensitive

403 08/23/2000 10:33 AM berkley

added the returnfield element to be used for dynamically choosing which fields to return from xml_nodes.

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