


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 407 over 24 years Matt Jones Folded the functionality from DBWriter into Doc...
  docs 207 over 24 years Matt Jones added new javadoc documentation for new classes
  images 104 almost 25 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 503 over 24 years bojilova merge AUTH_LDAP to the main branch
  src 504 over 24 years Matt Jones Fixed the LDAP authentication adapter (AuthLdap... 76 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
build.xml 5.56 KB 497 over 24 years Matt Jones Various changes to improve consistency of the M...
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
test.xml 489 Bytes 430 over 24 years Matt Jones Updated the test.xml file to use more XML featu...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
504 10/26/2000 02:38 PM Matt Jones

Fixed the LDAP authentication adapter ( so that it now looks up
the distinguished name for a user before attempting to do authentication.
This is because the user's distinguished name can sometimes be based on
their uid attribute, but sometimes be based on their cn (common name)...

503 10/24/2000 01:03 PM bojilova

merge AUTH_LDAP to the main branch

502 10/24/2000 09:07 AM bojilova

clear System.exit(0) within the static block

500 10/09/2000 02:58 PM Matt Jones

Fixed typo in stylesheet.

499 10/09/2000 12:33 PM Matt Jones

More user interface changes to the HTML MARINE interface. Minor
rearrangement of columns, some link changes.

498 10/06/2000 06:40 PM Matt Jones

Replaced imagemap with anchor links in the web interface to simplify the
rearrangement of the interface. This new feature uses javascript to
submit the form when the link is clicked.

497 10/05/2000 06:50 PM Matt Jones

Various changes to improve consistency of the MARINE and METACAT user
interfaces as presented through the XSL->HTML conversions. Eliminated
one (extraneous) copy of the rowcol.css style sheet in favor of sharing
a single css stylesheet in xmltodb/lib/style/rowcol.css. Modified all...

491 10/03/2000 04:28 PM bojilova

Included script for insert of all eml dtds.

489 10/03/2000 03:48 PM berkley

added functionality to return the doctype of a relation in a relationdoctype tag. This information is now returned automatically in the resultset under the path resultset/relation/relationdoctype.

488 10/03/2000 03:47 PM berkley

added ability to enterpret relationdoctype tag.

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