


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 almost 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 5935 almost 14 years ben leinfelder photoshop file for creating the on/off query wi...
  lib 5965 almost 14 years berkley stylesheet/skins for mets data
  src 5967 almost 14 years Chris Jones For now, getSystemMetadata() will be private li...
  test 5948 almost 14 years Jing Tao Make the schema with included schemas valid.
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 28.8 KB 5311 almost 15 years daigle Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk 3.08 KB 5729 about 14 years berkley don't install into /tmp 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 56.3 KB 5964 almost 14 years ben leinfelder use newer EML stylesheet tag 16.3 KB 5181 about 15 years ben leinfelder add required authentication exception class so ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5967 02/16/2011 01:52 PM Chris Jones

For now, getSystemMetadata() will be private like the other *SystemMetadata() methods.

5966 02/16/2011 01:47 PM Chris Jones

Modified MetacatHandler, updated the getSystemMetadata() method to now use read() and deserializeSystemMetadata() to produce the SystemMetadata object. Exceptions are pushed up the stack, and so accordingly, modified createSystemMetadata() to reflect the changes.

5965 02/16/2011 01:44 PM berkley

stylesheet/skins for mets data

5964 02/16/2011 11:38 AM ben leinfelder

use newer EML stylesheet tag

5963 02/16/2011 11:18 AM ben leinfelder

correctly include table cells for xsl

5962 02/16/2011 09:25 AM Chris Jones

Modified MetacatHandler, added createSystemMetadata() - generates SystemMetadata objects for newly inserted data or documents. This is intended to be used from handleInsertOrUpdateAction(), and only for documents being inserted from clients that don't support the DataONE interface. The method parses EML documents to discover data entities, and updates the system metadata for those entries, with support for describes and describedBy metadata. Currently doesn't handle FGDC, etc. documents....

5961 02/16/2011 09:14 AM Chris Jones

Modified MetacatHandler, added three methods:
getSystemMetadata() - returns a SystemMetadata object from the systemmetadata table using the given GUID. Stub only.
updateSystemMetadata() - updates the systemmetadata table using the given SystemMetadata object....

5960 02/16/2011 09:10 AM Chris Jones

Modified MetacatHandler and added two methods:
serializeSystemMetadata() - Serialize a SystemMetadata object to XML string
deserializeSystemMetadata() - Deserialize a SystemMetadata object from an XML string

5959 02/16/2011 09:07 AM Chris Jones

Modified MetacatHandler, added read() - Read a document from metacat and return an InputStream. The XML or data document should be on disk, but if not, read from the metacat database. This method should be optimized, along with others, to not write stream data to disk for performance reasons.

5958 02/16/2011 09:06 AM Chris Jones

To support generation of SystemMetadata and GUIDs, added a number of methods to MetacatHandler that are also in CrudService(). CrudService should eventually be refactored to use the handler methods. Added:
readFromFilesystem() - Read a file from Metacat's configured file system data directory, and return a FileInputStream. This code has been factored out of handleInsertOrUpdateAction()....

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