


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  account 4463 over 16 years Jing Tao Redirects to the index.jsp page.
  default 5988 about 14 years berkley fixed width issue with default header
  dev 6135 almost 14 years ben leinfelder add option for replicating system metadata (dat...
  esa 5985 about 14 years ben leinfelder restyle the resultset after applying new eml cs...
  first 5710 about 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
  first-assessment 4286 over 16 years ben leinfelder detokenize
  first-item 4271 over 16 years ben leinfelder detokenize
  kepler 5878 about 14 years Jing Tao Using <xsl:value-of select="."/> to replace <...
  knb 5990 about 14 years ben leinfelder restyle the eml display and resultset after app...
  knb2 5861 about 14 years ben leinfelder use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map...
  lter 5982 about 14 years ben leinfelder include eml css and then adjust lter skin to ac...
  ltss 5710 about 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
  mets 5987 about 14 years berkley new files for mets style
  nceas 5979 about 14 years ben leinfelder adjust stylesheets to accommodate new default e...
  nrs 5861 about 14 years ben leinfelder use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map...
  obfs 5861 about 14 years ben leinfelder use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map...
  parc 5981 about 14 years ben leinfelder adjust stylesheets to accommodate new default e...
  pisco 5772 about 14 years ben leinfelder merge "shared" and "common" EML stylesheets int...
  saeon 6071 almost 14 years ben leinfelder remove entity encoded characters that were garb...
  sanparks 6290 over 13 years Jing Tao make the left panle look exactly the same as th...
  sbclter 5772 about 14 years ben leinfelder merge "shared" and "common" EML stylesheets int...
  sms 5710 about 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
  specnet 5710 about 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
  tpc-result 6124 almost 14 years Chris Jones Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that incl...
  tpc-run-result 4966 over 15 years daigle Updates primarily for final workflow and run xm...
README.txt 1.09 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6290 07/05/2011 04:07 PM Jing Tao

make the left panle look exactly the same as the left panel of index.jsp.

6238 06/28/2011 04:06 PM Jing Tao

Make "Change Access Permission" button work on sanparks scheduler web page.
Merge the change from 1.9.5 branch to the trunk.

6135 06/08/2011 05:08 PM ben leinfelder

add option for replicating system metadata (dataone)

6124 06/07/2011 09:53 AM Chris Jones

Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.

6071 05/05/2011 12:14 PM ben leinfelder

remove entity encoded characters that were garbled in browser (sanparks patch)

6066 05/05/2011 10:10 AM ben leinfelder

remove entity encoded characters that were garbled in browser (sanparks patch)

6028 04/01/2011 10:32 AM ben leinfelder

move semtools skin to the semtools project - build into the war when adding the semtools plugin to metacat

6008 03/04/2011 02:52 PM ben leinfelder

include simple union data for search results if they are present in the resultset document

6002 03/02/2011 02:14 PM ben leinfelder

hide the data section unless there is actually data to display

5999 03/01/2011 02:00 PM ben leinfelder

render the <data/> CDATA section in

 - it's a csv string

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