newer d1 jars -- contains CN.isNodeAuthorized() method
collect "message" param from multipart request for MN.synchronizationFailed method
Reverting previous @Overrides chanrge from r6470, as that is the desiredbehavior under Java 1.6 -- previous versions of Java (e.g., 1.5) will notcomile with this usage of the @Overrides annotation, but the currentlysupported version will. So reverting to the 1.6 convention.
Removing incorrect @Override annotations that were preventing compilation. The methods marked did not actually override a method in the superclass, so they were not compiling. I think @Overrides was being mistaken for methods that implement an interface but aren't actually in the superclass.
use d1_common_java's date serialization utility for parsing parameters
catch runtime exceptions that arise from hazelcast storage errors in the system metadata map
Lock the system metadata entry in hzSystemMetadata when calling setReplicationPolicy().
Lock the system metadata entry in hzSystemMetadata when calling registerSystemMetadata().
Remove references to CNReplicationTask.
Remove the CNReplicationTask (for now). We will be using Metacat's ForceReplicationHandler to replicate science metadata across CNs, and may explore the use of a 100% evicted hzScienceMetadata map. Either way, the distributed task design won't be needed. When a dropped CN comes back online, we'll catch it up based on last modified dates for PIDs in the hzSystemMetadata map.
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