


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 about 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 6903 about 13 years Matt Jones Fixed formatting to make fixed-width line much ...
  lib 6891 about 13 years ben leinfelder use new endpoint/method: http://mule1.dataone.o...
  src 6919 about 13 years Chris Jones Use the Collections class from java.util.
  test 6882 about 13 years ben leinfelder remove method: assertRelation https://redmine.d...
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 29.9 KB 6553 over 13 years ben leinfelder use 2.0.0 -- stub out the release notes 2.76 KB 6555 over 13 years ben leinfelder use 2.0.0 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 54.8 KB 6915 about 13 years ben leinfelder use EML 2.1.1 RC4 tag before final tag (schema)... 16.3 KB 6053 almost 14 years ben leinfelder remove very old "metacat webservice" code - as ...
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6919 01/17/2012 04:21 PM Chris Jones

Use the Collections class from java.util.

6918 01/17/2012 03:20 PM Chris Jones

Remove null field tests in the IdentifierManager class. Schema-level required fields are checked on serialization/deserialization using JibX during the REST resource handler classes. Other required fields are checked in MNodeService and CNodeService, higher in the stack.

6917 01/17/2012 03:17 PM Chris Jones

For MNs that haven't set the archived flag to false on create(), set it here. Also, ensure that the CN sync code sets the authoritative and origin member node fields.

6916 01/17/2012 03:15 PM Chris Jones

On MN.create(), set the archived flag to be false. This field isn't required in the schema, but is needed by the DataONE indexer once objects are sync'd.

6915 01/17/2012 02:28 PM ben leinfelder

use EML 2.1.1 RC4 tag before final tag (schema)

6914 01/17/2012 02:21 PM ben leinfelder

use final tag for building with utilities (tags/UTILITIES_1_1_0)

6913 01/17/2012 01:57 PM ben leinfelder

use final tag for building with ecogrid

6912 01/17/2012 12:06 PM ben leinfelder

-generate system meta for all docids, even those not originating on the server (replicas from the past)
-generate ORE docs and download remote data only for those documents that originated on this server being upgraded.

6911 01/17/2012 11:43 AM ben leinfelder

refactor generate system meta loop to the factory class -- to be reused in sysmeta and ORE generation

6910 01/17/2012 11:34 AM Chris Jones

When managing obsoletes/obsoletedBy system metadata fields, set the archived flag to false initially, and set it to true on system metadata for objects that a revision obsoletes.

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