


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 about 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 9780 almost 9 years Chris Jones Merge changes from the 2.6.0 release.
  lib 9824 over 8 years Jing Tao Add the property to call the solr schema upgrad...
  metacat-common 9791 almost 9 years Jing Tao Change the version to 2.8.0 snapshot.
  metacat-index 9792 almost 9 years Jing Tao Change it to 2.8.0 version.
  src 9823 over 8 years Jing Tao Add the code to upgrade the solr schema.
  test 9780 almost 9 years Chris Jones Merge changes from the 2.6.0 release.
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 36.7 KB 9798 almost 9 years Jing Tao Added the release noe for 2.7.0 2.79 KB 9790 almost 9 years Jing Tao Change the trunk to 2.8.0 version. 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 62.7 KB 9803 almost 9 years Jing Tao Add a system property to pass maven home direct...
pom.xml 10.8 KB 9793 almost 9 years Jing Tao Change it to 2.8.0 version. 16.3 KB 6053 almost 14 years ben leinfelder remove very old "metacat webservice" code - as ...
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121 /branches/METACAT_2_6_BRANCH:9560-9586

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9824 06/13/2016 03:55 PM Jing Tao

Add the property to call the solr schema upgrade java code.

9823 06/13/2016 03:55 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to upgrade the solr schema.

9819 06/13/2016 12:00 PM Jing Tao

Add the check objectFormat is not null before we try to get the mediaType object from the object in the getObject method.

9815 06/06/2016 04:51 PM Jing Tao

Don't need to add "." for file name between the identifier and file extention in the getObject method.
The v1 getExtension method includes '.'. But the v2 version doesn't include it.

9812 06/02/2016 11:58 AM Matt Jones

Add small change to reset the content type of CSV files to text/csv when they are incorrectly set by Windows clients to an excel type. Addresses issues raised in Arctic Data ticket:

9809 05/25/2016 12:18 PM Jing Tao

Use the method getContextURL rather than getSecureContextURL in the getCapacities method.
So if the server doesn't support sll, the getCapacities will return a baseURL with http.

9806 05/23/2016 10:34 AM ben leinfelder

render temporal periods and single dates.

9805 05/20/2016 06:15 PM ben leinfelder

surround onedcx metdata display in form-horizontal section for more consistent layout with other metadata standards.

9804 05/20/2016 03:53 PM ben leinfelder

place bounding coordinates in controls-well.

9803 05/20/2016 03:31 PM Jing Tao

Add a system property to pass maven home directory to maven call.

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