



From 11/24/2013 to 12/23/2013


12:22 PM Bug #6329 (Resolved): Last disclaimer in the footer is cut off the end of the page
Lauren Walker


11:55 AM Feature #6327: Rethink the "Creator" filter name - not intuitive
Please discuss this with me before changing it. The use of the word 'Creator' has a long history in the field. Ther... Matt Jones
11:02 AM Feature #6327 (Resolved): Rethink the "Creator" filter name - not intuitive
Lauren Walker
11:02 AM Feature #6328 (Resolved): Set a max-height on the Google map infowindows for large abstracts
Lauren Walker
11:02 AM Feature #6326 (Resolved): Include a minimize and maximize icon in the header for the filters and result list.
Lauren Walker
11:02 AM Feature #6325 (Resolved): Include link back to search from the Metadata view
Lauren Walker
11:02 AM Feature #6324 (Resolved): Do not let the result list minimize during loading - instead just blank out with a loading icon
Lauren Walker


04:29 PM Bug #6318 (Resolved): Abstract opens and then never disappears upon click of the i icon
Lauren Walker
12:37 PM Bug #6318 (Resolved): Abstract opens and then never disappears upon click of the i icon
Lauren Walker
04:29 PM Bug #6316 (Resolved): Abstract cuts off the bottom of the page for rows near the bottom of the list
Lauren Walker
12:01 PM Bug #6316 (Resolved): Abstract cuts off the bottom of the page for rows near the bottom of the list
Lauren Walker
01:29 PM Story #6319 (Resolved): Filter spatial data by centroid totally encompassed in the map viewport rather than bounding box encompassed in the map viewport
This issue will require a reworking of how the spatial search filters results - currently the filtering is all done b... Lauren Walker
12:33 PM Feature #6317 (New): Add delete button to the Metadata view for archiving objects
This feature would display a "Delete" button on the Metadata view (#view) that would archive the metadata and resourc... Lauren Walker


04:24 PM Story #6314: Choose graphing JS library for statistics graphs
Is d3 (as used in the dataone dashboard) not sufficient? There's been quite a bit of graphing implemented there and w... ben leinfelder
04:08 PM Story #6314 (Resolved): Choose graphing JS library for statistics graphs
I'm leaning towards either the Google Visualization API, which is very complete but this puts our project in a place ... Lauren Walker
11:47 AM Feature #6313 (Resolved): Include Google map image of geographic coverage in Metadata View
The Metadata view now scans the DOM for all Geographic Region information and creates a static Google map image for e... Lauren Walker


03:52 PM Feature #6313 (Resolved): Include Google map image of geographic coverage in Metadata View
Lauren Walker
01:16 PM Feature #6312 (Rejected): Make it more obvious that only 200 results are being mapped at a time
It does seem like an alert box overlaying the map might be called for when totalCount > pageSize...
Eventually we wi...
Lauren Walker
12:32 PM Bug #6311 (Resolved): Pagination shows NaN when there are 0 results
Lauren Walker
12:08 PM Bug #6311 (Resolved): Pagination shows NaN when there are 0 results
Lauren Walker
12:00 PM Feature #6310 (Resolved): Sort autocomplete suggestions by closeness to entered text rather than frequency - for example, when typing "Al", "*Al*aska" would be the first suggestion rather than "C*al*ifornia"
Lauren Walker
09:54 AM Feature #6310 (Resolved): Sort autocomplete suggestions by closeness to entered text rather than frequency - for example, when typing "Al", "*Al*aska" would be the first suggestion rather than "C*al*ifornia"
Lauren Walker
11:01 AM Bug #6309 (Resolved): Taxon and Location autocomplete divs cover the text input
Lauren Walker
09:52 AM Bug #6309 (Resolved): Taxon and Location autocomplete divs cover the text input
Lauren Walker
10:45 AM Bug #6308 (Resolved): Autoselect the data coverage year when the temporal slider is moved -  it is not clear you need to select first before you can move it
Lauren Walker
09:51 AM Bug #6308 (Resolved): Autoselect the data coverage year when the temporal slider is moved -  it is not clear you need to select first before you can move it
Lauren Walker
10:45 AM Feature #6307 (Resolved): List an example in the data attribute text input placeholder text
Lauren Walker
09:50 AM Feature #6307 (Resolved): List an example in the data attribute text input placeholder text
Lauren Walker


03:04 PM Support #6237 (Resolved): Ask several scientists at NCEAS to test the new spatial search
Lauren Walker


03:23 PM Feature #6304 (Resolved): Add list of all objects in resource map of top of Metadata view alongside Download button
Lauren Walker
09:45 AM Bug #6303 (Rejected): Default to list view if gmapsAPI fails
Lauren Walker


05:43 PM Bug #6301 (Resolved): Clicking on cluster at max zoom level causing GMap loading issues
The GoogleMaps was freezing up (and crashing the browser in some instances) when a cluster was clicked on at max zoom... Lauren Walker
11:56 AM Bug #6301 (Resolved): Clicking on cluster at max zoom level causing GMap loading issues
It seems there is a communication problem between the marker clusterer app and the Google maps app when the map is at... Lauren Walker
04:58 PM Bug #6303 (Rejected): Default to list view if gmapsAPI fails
Lauren Walker
04:10 PM Bug #6300 (Resolved): Zoom back to center of map after panning to marker from result row hover
Lauren Walker
11:52 AM Bug #6300 (Resolved): Zoom back to center of map after panning to marker from result row hover
So that the spatial filter boundaries are accurately reflected on the map Lauren Walker
01:50 PM Bug #6292 (Resolved): Remember map zoom level between view navigation
Lauren Walker
12:00 PM Task #6302 (Resolved): Design mockup of user statistics page
Roughly based on the original mockup by Chris in the datadepot/desgin OmniGraffle file. Lauren Walker
10:03 AM Bug #6295 (Resolved): Clicking on download link in result list routes to Metadata View
Lauren Walker
10:03 AM Bug #6293 (Resolved): Displaying abstract on hover messes up the vertical spacing of the list - change to expand abstract on click instead
Lauren Walker


04:41 PM Story #6294: Replace Metacat API ecogrid links with D1 MN object service links
Note that this relies on the DataONE pid being indexed in SOLR as contained in the package (isDocumentedBy) otherwise... ben leinfelder
02:48 PM Story #6294 (Resolved): Replace Metacat API ecogrid links with D1 MN object service links
In the rendered EML view (MetadataView), the links to the individual data files are using the metacat API (metacat?ac... Lauren Walker
02:52 PM Bug #6295 (Resolved): Clicking on download link in result list routes to Metadata View
Need to find the event target and stop Backbone navigation if the target is the download button Lauren Walker
09:21 AM Bug #6293 (Resolved): Displaying abstract on hover messes up the vertical spacing of the list - change to expand abstract on click instead
Lauren Walker


04:23 PM Bug #6292 (Resolved): Remember map zoom level between view navigation
Lauren Walker
04:23 PM Feature #6287 (Resolved): Pan to marker on map on hover of the corresponding item in the list, but do not trigger a new search when we are zoomed in (applying spatial filter)
Lauren Walker


02:52 PM Feature #6291 (Resolved): Only show dropdown for download button when there is more than one package.
Lauren Walker
02:38 PM Feature #6289 (Rejected): Create usage statistics service
Duplicate of #5989. Updated #5989 with this description. Matt Jones
02:05 PM Feature #6289 (Rejected): Create usage statistics service
Currently the only usage stats we have in Metacat are the raw logs. This new service would provide several statistic... Matt Jones
02:04 PM Feature #6288 (Resolved): Add data view and download statistics to result listing
Matt Jones
01:39 PM Feature #6287 (Resolved): Pan to marker on map on hover of the corresponding item in the list, but do not trigger a new search when we are zoomed in (applying spatial filter)
Lauren Walker
01:32 PM Feature #6286 (Rejected): Include rendered EML as PDF in download package
Lauren Walker
01:30 PM Task #5973 (Resolved): Update pager widget on bottom of resultset listing to always show current page
Lauren Walker


11:36 AM Bug #6277 (Closed): Data coverage year filter did not work for doi:10.5063/AA/nceas.290.8
This ticket will be moved to Metacat - this particular data package is storing the temporal coverage in the field 'si... Lauren Walker
11:10 AM Bug #6284 (Resolved): No system metadata found for PID: undefined
The data-id attribute was not being added to the rows when the item didn't have spatial data. Lauren Walker
11:01 AM Bug #6284 (Resolved): No system metadata found for PID: undefined
When clicking on result row sometimes Lauren Walker
08:59 AM Feature #6274 (Resolved): Change the marker cluster to a marker with the title window on hover of the marker in the list
In order to display the marker and it's title window for *clustered* markers, we need to redefine the map of the mark... Lauren Walker


03:26 PM Bug #6282 (Resolved): Close the autocomplete divs after pressing enter or search button
Lauren Walker
01:24 PM Bug #6282 (Resolved): Close the autocomplete divs after pressing enter or search button
Lauren Walker
02:41 PM Feature #6280 (Resolved): If at the min zoom level and a filter is added, pan the map to center on the markers
Lauren Walker
11:09 AM Feature #6281 (Resolved): Click on result row to go to metadata view instead of just on the title
Lauren Walker
09:58 AM Feature #6281 (Resolved): Click on result row to go to metadata view instead of just on the title
Lauren Walker


03:59 PM Bug #6279 (Resolved): Do not open the title window on marker hover if the info window is already open from click
Lauren Walker
03:50 PM Bug #6279 (Resolved): Do not open the title window on marker hover if the info window is already open from click
Lauren Walker
03:51 PM Feature #6280 (Resolved): If at the min zoom level and a filter is added, pan the map to center on the markers
Lauren Walker
11:45 AM Feature #6245 (Resolved): Switch out progress barber-shop bar for a spinning loading icon
Lauren Walker
10:35 AM Feature #6229 (Rejected): Make results list resizeable via jQueryUI Resizeable functionality
Tried it and the way the jQuery Resizable (which changes the top and left CSS properties) won't work properly with ou... Lauren Walker
09:01 AM Bug #6243 (Resolved): Set min-height on content div so footer doesn't take up half the screen between view loads
Lauren Walker
09:01 AM Support #6237 (In Progress): Ask several scientists at NCEAS to test the new spatial search
Lauren Walker
09:00 AM Bug #6278 (Resolved): A blank filter is added to the UI when nothing is entered in the text input, and user presses enter
Lauren Walker


03:35 PM Bug #6278 (Resolved): A blank filter is added to the UI when nothing is entered in the text input, and user presses enter
Need to check for blank entries Lauren Walker
03:34 PM Bug #6277 (Closed): Data coverage year filter did not work for doi:10.5063/AA/nceas.290.8
Perhaps because it is a single data year? THe UI slider and data were correlated, but this package was not returned i... Lauren Walker
01:38 PM Feature #6275 (Resolved): Show the abstract in the list on hover
Lauren Walker


03:08 PM Feature #6275 (Resolved): Show the abstract in the list on hover
Lauren Walker
02:37 PM Bug #6235 (Resolved): Remember choice of 'list view' of 'map view' across views and within the data view
The app model now stores the 'searchMode' with the default value of 'map'. Storing the mode choice in the app model a... Lauren Walker
02:20 PM Bug #6272 (Resolved): Clear the "My packages" search filter on another click of the filter div in SNAP theme.
Lauren Walker
12:59 PM Feature #6271 (Resolved): Sort autocomplete suggestions by frequency
Lauren Walker
12:14 PM Feature #6274 (Resolved): Change the marker cluster to a marker with the title window on hover of the marker in the list
Currently, if you hover over a map marker icon in the list for an item that is clustered on the map, the title window... Lauren Walker
12:12 PM Feature #6230 (Resolved): When you hover over a result item in the list, its respective marker is colored on the map
Lauren Walker


04:11 PM Feature #6273 (Resolved): Draw a polygon on the map of the coordinates on marker hover
Lauren Walker
01:37 PM Feature #6273 (Resolved): Draw a polygon on the map of the coordinates on marker hover
Lauren Walker
01:21 PM Bug #6272 (Resolved): Clear the "My packages" search filter on another click of the filter div in SNAP theme.
Lauren Walker
11:02 AM Story #6270 (Resolved): Test the SNAP and Gulfwatch theme for errors since they do not have a map
Lauren Walker
09:07 AM Feature #6271 (Resolved): Sort autocomplete suggestions by frequency
Rather than alphabetically Lauren Walker


04:33 PM Story #6270 (Resolved): Test the SNAP and Gulfwatch theme for errors since they do not have a map
Lauren Walker
04:21 PM Feature #6246 (Resolved): Apply spatial search when panning at initial zoom level
Lauren Walker
04:11 PM Feature #6241 (Resolved): Any click on the map should close all current info bubbles
Lauren Walker
03:00 PM Story #6248 (Resolved): Test new map features in IE
IE 8 is almost completely compatible. The jQuery checkboxes are having some trouble and the styling is not as pretty,... Lauren Walker
02:20 PM Story #6248: Test new map features in IE
IE 9 - check Lauren Walker
01:34 PM Story #6248 (In Progress): Test new map features in IE
IE 10 - Everything is working fine and looks great. KNB and Default theme.
IE 9 next
Lauren Walker
11:54 AM Feature #6232 (Resolved): Reduce the size of the KNB footer
Much more compact now! Lauren Walker


04:15 PM Task #5973 (New): Update pager widget on bottom of resultset listing to always show current page
Ben and I decided the pagination should always show the current page you are on, so the new scheme is:
Lauren Walker
12:33 PM Bug #6236 (Closed): Clear search model when logging out
ben leinfelder
11:58 AM Story #6248 (Resolved): Test new map features in IE
Lauren Walker
11:05 AM Task #6203 (Rejected): Create text input for spatial search and implement with Google Maps Geocoder service
There is a text spatial search that queries the Geographic Description field of the metadata. We are bypassing having... Lauren Walker
11:03 AM Bug #6234 (Resolved): Download package selector is cut off the side of the page in map view
Lauren Walker
10:58 AM Support #6242 (Rejected): Get Google Analytics information from Nick about browser versions of KNB visitors for browser testing
We don't have Google Analytics for KNB Lauren Walker
10:11 AM Feature #6239 (Closed): Add map marker icon in result list next to items with spatial data
dupe ben leinfelder

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