



From 07/24/2015 to 08/22/2015


11:08 AM Feature #6832: Use /packages endpoint (with Metacat 2.5.0)
Changing to 1.8.0 since I wouldn't want to break someone's MetacatUI installation when they update to the latest 1.7.... Lauren Walker
11:01 AM Feature #6832 (Resolved): Use /packages endpoint (with Metacat 2.5.0)
MetacatUI 1.7.2 should have the option to use Metacat 2.5.0, which will use the /packages endpoint instead of /package. Lauren Walker


02:11 PM Task #6806 (Resolved): Display basic info such as first and last name in the group member list
Lauren Walker


03:35 PM Task #6830 (Resolved): Show the owner of the group in the group list
Lauren Walker
02:24 PM Task #6830 (Resolved): Show the owner of the group in the group list
Lauren Walker


11:38 AM Feature #6814 (Resolved): Reorganize the filter sidebar
Lauren Walker


02:57 PM Feature #6813 (Resolved): Add "constrain results to map" checkbox above map
Lauren Walker


04:26 PM Bug #6808 (Resolved): case-sensitive search
Use the 'text' Solr field types to take advantage of case-insensitive matching
Capitalize the first letter of the ta...
Lauren Walker


03:35 PM Feature #6811 (Resolved): Alphabetize member node list
Lauren Walker
02:43 PM Bug #6816 (Resolved): Autocompletes attempt to not overflow the edge of the window and end up covering the input boxes
Lauren Walker
12:23 PM Feature #6812 (Resolved): Change color of 'clear all' filter button in DataONE theme
Changed it all themes to a yellow, to make it obvious Lauren Walker
12:22 PM Feature #6815 (Resolved): Add help tooltip to "Jump to" input
Lauren Walker
12:22 PM Feature #6818 (Resolved): Update placeholder text and help text in Identifier filter
Lauren Walker
11:34 AM Bug #6817 (Resolved): Tooltip should show up on the hover of the text only
Lauren Walker
11:29 AM Bug #6819 (Resolved): Autocomplete doesn't always close after a search
Lauren Walker


01:25 PM Feature #6821 (Resolved): Add delay on tooltip in member node list
Lauren Walker
12:31 PM Feature #6822 (Resolved): Move "Description" link in metadata page table
Lauren Walker


04:34 PM Feature #6823 (Resolved): Hide title field from metadata page
Lauren Walker
03:38 PM Feature #6824 (Resolved): Hide "Search" breadcrumb when the user just came from the search
It appears as disabled, instead of hiding it completely. This still lets the user see a breadcrumb trail of the site ... Lauren Walker
03:08 PM Feature #6825 (Resolved): Add download attribute to download button to force download on most browsers
The download attribute was already being used in all Download buttons. The issue is that only a small number of brows... Lauren Walker
02:07 PM Feature #6826 (Resolved): Make entity details boxes the same width when there is a prov chart
Lauren Walker


12:11 PM Feature #6826 (Resolved): Make entity details boxes the same width when there is a prov chart
In the metadata view Lauren Walker
12:10 PM Feature #6825 (Resolved): Add download attribute to download button to force download on most browsers
In metadata page download contents table.
Lauren Walker
12:09 PM Feature #6824 (Resolved): Hide "Search" breadcrumb when the user just came from the search
The "back to search" link is already displayed in this case, so it redundant and confusing Lauren Walker
12:08 PM Feature #6823 (Resolved): Hide title field from metadata page
It is redundant and users have commented (during DUG UX testing) that there is too much going on at the top of the me... Lauren Walker
12:07 PM Feature #6822 (Resolved): Move "Description" link in metadata page table
Move it to be right next to the data object title. Remove the link from the title. Change the link text to "More info... Lauren Walker
12:06 PM Feature #6821 (Resolved): Add delay on tooltip in member node list
users in the UX testing were pretty unanimous with thinking that the tooltip popup displayed too quickly after hover ... Lauren Walker
12:05 PM Feature #6820 (New): Add OR filter option
Add radio button options to the top of the filter list that say "Any of these" and "All of these" to give users the o... Lauren Walker
12:03 PM Bug #6819 (Resolved): Autocomplete doesn't always close after a search
The Creator filter is a good example where this happens
Need to close all autocompletes after each new search is sent
Lauren Walker
12:03 PM Feature #6818 (Resolved): Update placeholder text and help text in Identifier filter
Placeholder: "Find datasets by DOI, ID"
Tooltip: "Find datasets if you have all or part of its DOI or ID"
Lauren Walker
12:01 PM Bug #6817 (Resolved): Tooltip should show up on the hover of the text only
It is right now showing up when the text container div element is hovered over, meaning that it shows when the user h... Lauren Walker
12:00 PM Bug #6816 (Resolved): Autocompletes attempt to not overflow the edge of the window and end up covering the input boxes
Lauren Walker
12:00 PM Feature #6815 (Resolved): Add help tooltip to "Jump to" input
Lauren Walker
11:59 AM Feature #6814 (Resolved): Reorganize the filter sidebar
See attached sketch. This new layout will consolidate the filter list so that they don't overflow the page, causing t... Lauren Walker
11:56 AM Feature #6813 (Resolved): Add "constrain results to map" checkbox above map
To toggle on/off the map filter Lauren Walker
11:56 AM Feature #6812 (Resolved): Change color of 'clear all' filter button in DataONE theme
So it is noticeable against the navigation bar Lauren Walker
11:55 AM Feature #6811 (Resolved): Alphabetize member node list
Lauren Walker
11:53 AM Feature #6810 (New): Create detailed user documentation for MetacatUI
We already have in the works:
- Help page for MetacatUI (User oriented)
- API documentation for DataONE API (user a...
Lauren Walker


02:48 PM Task #6631: Add downloads chart to the Stats View using the log agg Solr index
the event log index endpoint is still not open to queries yet, so this will wait until a later version Lauren Walker
02:11 PM Feature #6798 (Resolved): Use better error messages in registration and login forms
The login form now has better error messaging (used to be alert windows). The Metadata registration form could use mo... Lauren Walker
02:10 PM Bug #6802 (Resolved): Don't try to display TIFFs
Lauren Walker
02:05 PM Bug #6803 (Resolved): Images not in entity details box in Metadata View
Lauren Walker
12:35 PM Support #6809 (Resolved): UX Testing Results
Attached is a PDF with UX testing results from the July 2015 DUG meeting. I have highlighted on areas that indicate a... Lauren Walker
12:00 PM Bug #6808 (Resolved): case-sensitive search
Search (location) appears to be case sensitive. For example, did not find results for "colorado" but did find results... Yiwei Wang

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