



Tickets grouped by Target version

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# Tracker Subject Status Priority Assignee Target version
  (blank) 88 Collapse all/Expand all
6787 Feature Add dataset citation info from PLOS DLM api New Normal Peter Slaughter Actions
7035 Bug View service not rendering entity section New Normal Actions
7129 Story Update EML module models when their view fields are edited New Normal Actions
7130 Story Update an EML doc and System Metadata doc on a member node New Normal Actions
7112 Feature TemporalCoverage New Normal Actions
7113 Feature Taxon New Normal Actions
7124 Story Taxa section New Normal Actions
6103 Bug Sort by Identifier sorts capitalized letters separately from undercase letters New Normal Actions
7135 Story Show data upload form to the user in the DataPackage view New Normal Actions
7117 Story Serialize a System Metadata doc from a DataONEObject model In Progress Normal Actions
7116 Story Serialize an EML model to an EML document New Normal Actions
7119 Story Render an EML model in the UI New Normal Actions
7134 Story Remove a data object from a collection New Normal Actions
7126 Story Projects section New Normal Actions
5977 Feature Port web-based data-registry to backbone/bootstrap New Normal Actions
7121 Story People section New Normal Actions
7053 Bug Parent dataset link in package view shows obsolete parent packages New Normal Actions
7120 Story Overview section New Normal Actions
7172 Bug Odd spacing/sizing/hover behavior in Submit/Login buttons in Arctic skin New Low Actions
7001 Bug Odd sidebar rendering when switching resolutions New Normal Actions
7125 Story Methods section New Normal Actions
5986 Task Mechanism to flag data as featured for the query New Normal Actions
7128 Story Make all fields in the EML View editable New Normal Actions
7123 Story Locations section New Normal Actions
6013 Story KNB rebranding New Normal Actions
(76-100/123) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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