



From 05/03/2010 to 06/01/2010


12:50 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
Now responding to synchronization events fired by Morpho:
1. local -> network: the local annotation[s] are saved to m...
ben leinfelder
12:27 PM Bug #5035: Lost Annotations; discarded Annotation changes
Here's how the plugin works now:
1. Morpho launches - all local annotations are loaded into the manager (to facilitat...
ben leinfelder
10:46 AM Bug #5035 (Resolved): Lost Annotations; discarded Annotation changes
Scenario 1:
1. open an annotated DP
2. edit the an annotation class selection (say, MeasurementStandard)
3. edit a...
ben leinfelder


05:04 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
I found an issue where network annotations made by other people were not being loaded. Fixed that.
But i'd like to fi...
ben leinfelder


09:33 AM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
This morning (from morpho installed on a different computer) I was able to view, edit and save the annotation for htt... Margaret O'Brien


08:19 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
I successfully saved and reopened these 2 datasets and their annotations:
Margaret O'Brien
02:51 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
I've set up a test Metacat instance for us to use with the semtools-Morpho installers:
ben leinfelder
02:58 PM Bug #4770: Load Annotations from Metacat in Annotation plugin
Remote (Metacat-stored) annotations are now being loaded in the local (Morpho) AnnotationManager when the EML package... ben leinfelder


04:06 PM Bug #4771: Decide permission policy for Annotations and Ontologies in Metacat
I'm pretty sure I can just pull the access xml from the EML and then call the setAccess() method with that xml fragme... ben leinfelder
03:05 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
A potential problem I see cropping up is when we have local and network copies of annotations and the IDs differ (eit... ben leinfelder
12:27 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
Now saving to the same location that the EML data package is using:
If the EML has current ...
ben leinfelder
12:09 PM Bug #4769: Save annotations to network
Resolved a few outstanding issues:
-ID conflict resolution: revision is automatically incremented until conflict does...
ben leinfelder


04:16 PM Bug #5000: oboe-core: comment all classes and properties
Added comments to all classes and properties. These should be reviewed and possibly revised prior to publishing. Shawn Bowers


10:44 AM Bug #5004 (New): oboe: create an oboe-examples ontology for documenting "best practices"
Should be comprised of a set of examples from the oboe "getting started" guide. These examples should also encode "be... Shawn Bowers
10:41 AM Bug #5003 (New): oboe: develop a high-level "getting started" guide / documentation
This should also include a set of simple examples and a corresponding ontology oboe-examples simply for the sake of t... Shawn Bowers
10:38 AM Bug #5002 (New): oboe-unit: create new oboe-unit for oboe-core
Modify the current oboe-unit to conform to the new oboe-core structure. Primarily requires modifying the characterist... Shawn Bowers
09:12 AM Bug #5001 (New): oboe-core: ensure new characteristic structure still supports unit conversion
This needs to be done using some examples ... maybe a "unit-test" ontology (not sure what this would be)? Shawn Bowers
09:08 AM Bug #5000 (Resolved): oboe-core: comment all classes and properties
Provide comments for each class and property definition. Many of these can be taken from oboe.owl. Shawn Bowers


02:02 PM Bug #4675: EML:DataTable:Annotation cardinality
This notion of multiple annotations per data table came up again recently (due to a bug, actually).
I'm wondering if...
ben leinfelder

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