



From 01/20/2004 to 02/18/2004


06:40 PM Bug #1318: 102 Update: Update ERD
erd updated and working on checking in into cvs (having server issues today). Michael Lee


03:49 PM Bug #1169: Upgrade VegBranch to new 1.0.2 Vegbank data model
VegBranch 1.0.2 is ready to go from a functionality point of view. Need to get
attached data (plants, etc.) from a r...
Michael Lee


03:32 PM Bug #1347 (Resolved): Higher classification references available for 2002 USDA plants - get 'em?
we could add these as references for our higher order USDA 2002 levels. No
essential for now, but would be nice.
Michael Lee


02:00 PM Bug #1320 (Resolved): 102 Update: update sitemap
Sitemap will need to be updated to reflect capabilities of 1.0.2 release Michael Lee
02:00 PM Bug #1319 (Resolved): better organize vegbranch documentation & overview
Add documentation of VegBranch Loading tables to vegbranch website, plus
handout/cookbook from Lee Anne.
Michael Lee
01:59 PM Bug #1318 (Resolved): 102 Update: Update ERD
Make sure ERD is up to date for 1.0.2 model online. Michael Lee
01:58 PM Bug #1317 (Resolved): 102 Update: Update data dictionary online
Make sure data dictionary is up to date for 1.0.2 model online. Michael Lee
01:58 PM Bug #1316 (Resolved): 102 Update: View Plants & Communities via web query
The viewing of plants/comms via web form may not work with new 1.0.2 model.
Make sure that it does. This view will...
Michael Lee
01:56 PM Bug #1315 (Resolved): 102 Update: Download plots, csv format
Must update download plots in csv format functionality to 102 model. Same .csv
format as before. Make sure that co...
Michael Lee
01:54 PM Bug #1314 (Resolved): 102 Update: Download plots, XML format
Must update download plots in XML format functionality to 102 model. Must be
new 1.0.2 VegBank XML.
Michael Lee
01:53 PM Bug #1313 (Resolved): 102 Update: Summary Plot View Page
Summary plot view page does not work with new 102 model. Must update this
functionality (generate limited plot XML ...
Michael Lee
01:53 PM Bug #1312 (Resolved): 102 Update: Comprehensive Plot View Page
Comprehensive plot view page does not work with new 102 model. Must update this
functionality (generate limited plo...
Michael Lee


03:46 PM Bug #1140: Better delimit results of certification request so they are more readable
The Certification feature has been much improved.
* new look and feel
* requires user to be logged in; auto-popul...
P. Anderson


02:34 PM Bug #1256: admin: update user certification
Also make admin index page with feature list.
List Certification Applications page:
list all pending apps, show firs...
Michael Lee
01:56 PM Bug #1219: VegBank 1.0.2 model - implemented
Why do we need PostgreSQL 7.4? What do we gain? What can't we do with 7.3.4?
Which version comes with RedHat Advan...
Michael Lee

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