



From 05/26/2006 to 06/24/2006


11:02 AM Bug #2403: add accessionCode to more tables in db
not all tables, just more tables Michael Lee
11:01 AM Bug #2404: Evaluate: Let users define bounding box with Google Maps, then show plots in that area
now working in IE! Michael Lee


11:48 PM Bug #2404: Evaluate: Let users define bounding box with Google Maps, then show plots in that area
I just added a few features to this:
but unfortunately it ...
Michael Lee
11:09 PM Bug #2404: Evaluate: Let users define bounding box with Google Maps, then show plots in that area
This is done. Converting this bug into an evaluation bug of the completed form.
you can link to it from the front p...
Michael Lee
10:59 PM Bug #2436: Evaluate: Map plots with one click from plot-result-set
This is done. I convert this bug into an "Evaluate" bug where someone should make sure that this does as we want it ... Michael Lee
04:58 PM Bug #2436: Evaluate: Map plots with one click from plot-result-set
I have answered the bits from above as following:
100 plots are mapped at a time. After 100 plots are mapped, the i...
Michael Lee
02:09 PM Bug #2436: Evaluate: Map plots with one click from plot-result-set
This is mostly done, but there are a few issues outstanding.
1) how many plots can permissibly be mapped?
2) shoul...
Michael Lee
02:26 PM Bug #2468 (Resolved): show error estimates of mapped plots
this is now possible in FF via the function VbGMarkCircularAccuracy(lat,lng,degreesErr,metersErr,map) in
Michael Lee
11:19 AM Bug #889: XML READY: Load database:Peet - Rockies-700 (cover only for <1m tall)
the data are loaded into VegBank!
Michael Lee
11:17 AM Bug #2444: user passwords are stored in clear text in the database
I don't know how to do this. I have snooped around the postgresql site to try and figure it out. It seems we need t... Michael Lee


10:13 AM Bug #1861: fix denorm SQL approach
Another note about my comment from a few minutes ago. I also tried the denorm-nullsonly.sql file which takes less ti... Chad Berkley
10:06 AM Bug #1861: fix denorm SQL approach
I got a trigger working with the transaction system in vegbank. The problem now is that the subselect based updates ... Chad Berkley


01:38 PM Bug #1861: fix denorm SQL approach
I've attempted to create a trigger system for updating the denorm fields when observation is updated. This seems to ... Chad Berkley


01:43 PM Bug #1861: fix denorm SQL approach
the SQL that denormalizes fields is in:
2 files, one has SQL to update everything, and one jus...
Michael Lee
12:05 PM Bug #2457 (New): Link to list of certified users, renew embargo screens
in general, some pages are orphaned in the system and need to be linked to directly somehow. Michael Lee


10:17 AM Bug #2405: Logout is broken
This actually works with a normal install. It just doesn't work on I have successfully logged out and ... Chad Berkley
10:07 AM Bug #833: Management page needed with full ability to modify accounts
The delete plots functionality was already implemented, but you had to type in the plot ids of the plots you wanted t... Chad Berkley


10:59 AM Bug #833: Management page needed with full ability to modify accounts
you can now do the actions with the X next to them.
X view all users
X certify users
delete plots
X delete users
Chad Berkley


12:39 PM Bug #2434: Profiling of XML Loader's Performance
Typo fixes for the last comment...oops.
(In reply to comment #5)
1) **Change the** SAX parser parse and load per ob...
Chad Berkley
12:34 PM Bug #2434: Profiling of XML Loader's Performance
I've been looking at possible ways to speed the loader up even more than we already have for the last 2 days. Basica... Chad Berkley


01:24 PM Bug #2434: Profiling of XML Loader's Performance
I've finished my analysis of the observation insertion part of LoadTreeToDatabase.insertVegbankPackage(). It is stil... Chad Berkley


02:55 PM Bug #2434: Profiling of XML Loader's Performance
Michael pointed out that the accessionCode field in several tables gets hit a lot. Since the field is pretty static,... Chad Berkley
01:44 PM Bug #2434: Profiling of XML Loader's Performance
It seems a lot of time is being spent in the LoadTreeToDatabase.insertTaxonObservations() method. For a run of the s... Chad Berkley


02:23 PM Bug #2434: Profiling of XML Loader's Performance
I inserted a timer into the loading code. Below are the results for a very small xml file. A 0 in the timer means i... Chad Berkley
02:21 PM Bug #2283: Email to user does NOT work after load: using Hyperion!
changed to the property can be changed in if installed outside nceas. Chad Berkley
12:59 PM Bug #2453: Empty DB created, add necessary population + verify
Also need a DROP script so we don't have to use a dropdb to start with a fresh schema. Chad Berkley
12:55 PM Bug #2453 (Resolved): Empty DB created, add necessary population + verify
Currenty, the sql scripts, both generated and static, do not properly build the database. It is currently impossible... Chad Berkley
09:48 AM Bug #2442: Create a "request new AccessionCode" function for VegBranch in VegBank
creates 4 new obser...
Michael Lee
09:39 AM Bug #2442: Create a "request new AccessionCode" function for VegBranch in VegBank
is also added to in the /vegbank/ directory.
Michael Lee


10:37 AM Bug #2402: Strategy to update denormalized data, cache, pages
We might be able to use triggers to handle all the denorms. Then it's out of sight and out of mind. Update anything... Michael Lee


12:02 PM Bug #2401: Switch default mapping from Yahoo to Google
fixed in datacart view Michael Lee

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