jianwu jianwu's activity
From 05/28/2012 to 06/26/2012
- 02:56 PM Kepler Bug #5495: released kepler should allow getting patches and changing suites from command line
- User question link correction: http://lists.nceas.ucsb.edu/kepler/pipermail/kepler-users/2011-September/001961.html.
- 02:52 PM Kepler Bug #5550: Windows installer should be a .exe, not a .jar
- It would be great if the 'make-windows-installer' ant task for kepler can automatically utilize Launch4J to create ex...
- 03:38 PM Kepler Bug #5247: Allow user to set memory allocated to Kepler from within Kepler
- The current default max memory of Kepler is 512 MB, which is set at build-area/settings/memory.xml. It's not enough f...
- 02:36 PM Kepler Bug #5348: Opening KAR or opening workflow under KAR behaves differently.
- I can re-produce this phenomena. Another difference is that Foo.kar cannot be drag-and-drop into canvas, but the Foo ...
- 02:28 PM Kepler Bug #5333: 2.2 rc3: getenv("") doesn't work for mac installation.
- Thanks for the info from Christopher and Hogan.
I agree it is not Kepler bug but Mac OS settings. A FAQ should be go...
- 05:02 PM Kepler Bug #5333: 2.2 rc3: getenv("") doesn't work for mac installation.
- One way work around is to set environment variables at ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file. It works for Kepler 2.3. But...
- 03:59 PM Kepler Bug #5249: test kepler for memory leaks
- bump into 2.5 as discussed.
- 02:55 PM Kepler Bug #5349: Cannot open KAR file after modifying it.
- I could not reproduce the bug at Kepler 2.3 and Kepler trunk, it's probably already fixed. Close it.
- 02:43 PM Kepler Bug #5426: workflow lsid changes when running from command line
- I re-open this bug since we agreed that we need a versioning model for Kepler during Kepler 2.4 release conference ca...
- 03:30 PM Kepler Bug #5052: default file open directory of Kepler 2.0
- As discussed today, it would be good idea if we can have demo workflows in Kepler actor repository at the left part o...
- 12:43 PM Kepler Feature #5626 (New): interacting with kepler.sh to know the status and other information in batch-mode.
- When we run kepler in batch mode, it's good to know its status and other information.
CAMERA has done something fo... - 12:21 PM Kepler Bug #5625 (Resolved): create kepler documentation for 2.4
- we need new documentation for 2.4.
- 11:10 AM Kepler Bug #3997: Supporting display actor conversion for command line execution.
- This bug needs to be fixed in version 2.4. I have tried locally using hydro library. It works.
We can either have a...
- 04:41 PM Kepler Bug #5399: "./kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -nocache" command will not quit if some parameters are set.
- The bug is gone.
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