Bug #5426
closedworkflow lsid changes when running from command line
There are two problems that occur when running a workflow from the command line and specifying a non-default parameter value.
The first is that the revision is always incremented if the parameter value is the same:
./kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -x 4 ~/KeplerData/paramx.xml
WF LSID is urn:lsid:kepler-project.org/ns/:6018:25:2
./kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -x 4 ~/KeplerData/paramx.xml
WF LSID is urn:lsid:kepler-project.org/ns/:6018:25:3
The second is that if .kepler and KeplerData/modules/core/coreDB do not exist, a new LSID is used:
./kepler.sh -runwf -nogui -x 4 ~/KeplerData/paramx.xml
WF LSID is urn:lsid:kepler-project.org/ns/:6020:1:1
For desktop use, .kepler and KeplerData usually do not get deleted, but when executing on a cluster, these directories are not always available. This causes problems for provenance, e.g., the same workflow run on 10 different nodes will be identified as 10 different workflows instead of 10 runs of the same workflow.
Updated by Derik Barseghian over 13 years ago
Seems like an advanced user usecase, so retargeting post reporting-2.3.0. Please put it back if you feel otherwise.
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 12 years ago
fixed: kepler.sh -runwf -noilwc ... will not change the lsid.
Updated by jianwu jianwu over 12 years ago
I re-open this bug since we agreed that we need a versioning model for Kepler during Kepler 2.4 release conference call at June 15 2012.
[6/15/12 10:42:45 AM] Ilkay Altintas: We need to discuss what is a workflow change and come up with a new versioning model
[6/15/12 10:43:00 AM] Ilkay Altintas: (Related to Bug 5426)
[6/15/12 10:44:11 AM] Ilkay Altintas: Christopher mentioned a new (passoro?) system for high-energy physics that does versioning for actors
[6/15/12 10:45:07 AM] Christopher Brooks: triquetrum.org Feel free to request membership in the CHESS triq workgroup. The mailing list does not have much traffic.
[6/15/12 10:50:00 AM] Ilkay Altintas: We should check with Triq if there's anything that we could reuse.
Updated by Ilkay Altintas over 12 years ago
Added a command line option to stop it. Closed for 2.4 release. For 2.5, add a new bug with investigation of alternatives. We need to make sure this links to the new bug.