Bug #1017
closeddocumentation error in eml-methods
The following error in the eml-methods documentation was reported by Eda Melendez:
--- Excerpt from Eda Melendez ---
I was looking at your online EML database module methods documentation
and noticed there is a slight error on it:
the coverage field contains the description for the studyExtent with an extra
"See eml-coverage for more information"
then the description field has the "Description" for the coverage field. So the
description field lacks "Description" (sounds like a paradox isn't it?)
--- End excerpt ---
Updated by David Blankman over 21 years ago
I think that Eda Melendez misinterpreted the schema and mistakenly reported a bug.
I am changing the resolution to "invalid". If anyone else sees this as a valid
but let me know. At this point I don't see anything to fix.