Bug #1158
opencreate wsdl for ecogrid query level III interfaces
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During Seattle, we redefined the WSDL interfaces for the query operations for
the level III operations.
They now should contain:
Level III
FileHandle open(EcoGridIdentifier, ProxyCertificate)
MimeContent read(FileHandle, Length, ProxyCertificate)
void seek(FileHandle, Offset)
void close(FileHandle, ProxyCertificate)
MimeContent logicalQuery(EcoGridIdentifier, DataQueryType)
-- this operation probably needs to be renamed
For all of these methods, if "ProxyCertificate" is null, then the method should
be executed anonomously with only the rights of an anonymous user.
Peter agreed to tackle these revisions, and we agreed that these are only
initial thoughts on these more advanced interfaces, and that they would need to
be revised as we gain more experience later.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones about 19 years ago
- Bug 1161 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***