Bug #1232
closedcookie needs to be written after knb page login
this actually applies to code in the KNBWEB cvs module, but the consequences
apply to metacat.
here's the scenario:
1) a user logs in on knb homepage (knb.ecoinformatics.org/index.jsp)
2) the search form then has a hidden sessionid field added to it by the jsp
3) user then does a search and gets some private datasets in results
4) what I haven't done is to add the sessionid to the results links
- so when user clicks a dataset, metacat assumes user is "public"
5) when you get "into" a dataset, there are even more links that would need the
sessionid added
...so, the easiest solution would probably be just to write a cookie on login.
This code would probably go in <knbweb_cvs>/includes/include_session_vars.jsp,
where there is a code block for handling login (add code to create cookie here),
and another for handling logout (destroy cookie).
Sample code for writing cookies from java currently exists in the Metacat
module, in the HttpMessage class
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