Bug #1338
closedfind GIS system for inclusion in kepler
need to look at the various proposed solutions for GIS integration into Kepler.
The possibilities that I've heard so far are GDAL and GRASS. It has also been
mentioned that the more basic GIS functionality could probably be implemented in
java or with a ptolemy pipeline using existing actors.
Related issues
Updated by Chad Berkley over 20 years ago
currently have several GRASS functions implemented as web services and being
used in a prototype clipping pipeline. Dan is currently looking at integrating
R and SAS into kepler and should probably see about ARC support as well.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 20 years ago
So far, we have linked several functions into kepler via grass and gdal. these
are jni calls into existing C code. these functions are pretty limited and we
should implement more specific functions.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 20 years ago
Efrat has also implemented ESRI GIS functionality into web services for use in
kepler. functionality is generally for shape file processing as well as data
registration. These functions are mostly GEON specific but could maybe be
altered for general use.
There is also an interpolation engine that will be integrated into kepler. This
includes a generic display processor for the interpolation results.
Updated by Matt Jones about 19 years ago
Java, GRASS and GDAL actors have been incorporated for common GIS functions.
CLosing bug.