Bug #1601
closedMetacat will add default value for optional parameter into eml 2 document
When user upload a eml2 document into metacat, metacat will automatically add
some default value to optional parmaters even the document doesn't have
paramters orginally. So metacat modified the orginal documents, this is not our
stratege and we need fixed it.
For example, here is a segment of eml document:
<deliveryPoint>Dept. of Marine Sciences</deliveryPoint>
<deliveryPoint>University of Georgia</deliveryPoint>
Metacat will modified to:
<address scope="document">
<deliveryPoint>Dept. of Marine Sciences</deliveryPoint>
<deliveryPoint>University of Georgia</deliveryPoint>
It adds "scope="document"" to address element. In eml2 schema scope is an
optional parameter and it has a default value "document". Xerces parser will add
default value "document" to parameter "scope" if "scope" doesn't show in xml
We need figure out a way to get rid of this unexpected modification to orgin xml
document in metacat.