Bug #1923
openDevelop ontologies; engage KR group
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Develop some guidelines for what makes an ontology useful for specific SMS
applications so that the KR group can develop appropriate ontologies.
Pick a few actors that could be useful to us and use those to create the
ontologies used to annotate ports, rather than from first principals. In
particular, use Eco Niche Modeling example and Biodiversity Analysis example
from SEEK.
Determine how to deal with actors that use files for passing data rather than
passing the data itself.
Updated by Matt Jones over 19 years ago
Madin hired in postdoc KR position to lead the charge on this ontology
development. Aim for at least an initial set of ontologies for the SEEK case
studies (ENM and biodiv) by the alpha8 release. To be refined during ensuing
months before the 1.0.0 release.