Bug #208
closednew DataPackage handling component
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Need a new data package componenet from Morpho. This component represents a
resource (in the EML sense), and most importantly, a "dataset resource"). Thus,
it has mechanisms for storing all of the state info regarding a dataset, can
access the client-framework to read/write parts of the dataset locally and to
the metacat, and has a easy-to-understand mechanism for viewing a dataset in a
window (which it should register with the framework). This should be
implemented as a Morpho plugin, so it needs to implement all of the plugin
interface methods. Chad is taking the lead on this, with assistance from Dan.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones almost 24 years ago
- Bug 155 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Matt Jones almost 24 years ago
- Bug 87 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***