



Bug #2180


Make it easier for admin to add new layers

Added by John Harris over 19 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

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Currently, to add new spatial layers to the metacat map server it requires a sys
admin type individual with some unix skills. This needs to be easier so that
any Metacat manager can register new themes. Ideas for making this easier are:

2c1) manually by uploading and configuring a layer (web interface?)

2c2) automatically by picking a layer from Metacat

Actions #1

Updated by Matthew Perry over 18 years ago

Just for reference, here are the general steps to configure a layer to be displayed in our web map. Each step varies in ease of automation/webification:

1. Upload the data to the server. This can be handled through metacat.

2. Configure the data store (paths, geographic projection, format, etc). This is best handled by Geoserver as they have already worked out an excellent interface for this step. This tells the WMS server how to access your data

3. Create that styles and classification filters. These are created using OGC standard SLD documents. Geoserver lacks a sophisticated editor for these docs.

4. Associate your data store with the styles and filters. Essentially this tells the WMS server how to style your data creating a "featuretype". Again geoserver handles this quite well already.

5. Once the feature type has been configured, it has to be added to your Web Map context (WMC) document which tells the web client how to request your data. There are now good interfaces (other than a text editor) for adding entries to a WMC.

Since geoserver already does so much of this so well, I would vote for keeping 2-4 in the geoserver web admin interface (perhaps contributing to the enhancement of #3). All layers that are configured properly in geoserver can then appear in a metcat web mapping admin interface to handle step #5.

Actions #2

Updated by Matthew Perry over 18 years ago

There are some parts of the geoserver admin page that can be improved upon. Namely alot of the information it prompts for can be determined through the metadata document (the epsg, title, keywords, abstract, geographic bounds, etc)

Actions #3

Updated by ben leinfelder about 14 years ago

It's true that Geoserver does all of this except including the new layer in a rendered map in Metacat.We could include a configuration step that allows and admin user to select which layers should appear for any given skin's map.

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 2180


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