Bug #2194
closedRevise resultset.xsd in ecogrid
Currently in query.xsd we only have one namespace for both document itself and
returnField. But in resultset.xsd, there are two namespace specification - one
is in resultsetMetadata for return document, the other is in recordSturcture
(which can specify different namespace in retrunField). So query schema doesn't
match resultset schema.
After dicussion among matt, kevin and jing, we dicided to revise resultset
schema and keep query schema.
Here is the modification need to be done:
1) Remove the optional attribute - namespace from element recordStructure.
2) Elemet recordStructure will be required (1 - 1).
3) Element returnField wil be optional (0 - many).
Updated by Matt Jones over 19 years ago
Actually, I think we agreed it makes more sense to remove the namespace
element and keep the namespace attribute that is par tof recordStructure,
because it accurately reflects how to interpret the recordStructure fields. We
also need to decide what to do with the id field, and whether its use is
required, or whether people can continue using "name" attributes in the
returnfield elements of their records.
We also agreed that recordStructure would have cardinality 1:1, containing 0 or
more returnFields. Maybe we should state that there should never be a
returnfield in the record elements that is not listed in the recordStructure?
Updated by Matt Jones about 19 years ago
Done. Full changes are in the axis-only-branch and will be merged with the
trunk soon.