Bug #2200
closedMorpho editor creates unwanted node (spatialVector)
I had a data package containing a data table with two attributes, Column 1 and
Column 2. I opened morpho's editor, clicked on "Show All", and expanded
1/CHOICE/SEQUENCE. I right-clicked on the missingValueCode node and selected
"Copy Node & Children". I then right-clicked on "attribute-Column 2" and
selected "Paste as Sibling to Selected Node". [I actually wanted to paste the
missingValueCode node under attribute-Column 2/CHOICE/SEQUENCE/ (where this node
should be in theory), but the editor didn't give me this option.] I entered -999
in the missingValueCode field and clicked on "Trim". I expanded dataset/CHOICE
and noticed that spatialVector (with its box checked in) appeared under
dataTable, although I had not created this node. When I clicked on OK to close
the editor, I got a window filling my screen with a list of 59 nodes under
The only way to get out of there was to press "Esc".
Related issues
Updated by Veronique Connolly over 19 years ago
In a different data package, the taxonomicCoverage node was inserted by the
editor (this node was not present in the initial dp).
Updated by Margaret O'Brien over 19 years ago
A similar experience on this file:
Morpho added a node (dateTimeDomain), labeled it required in the tree editor,
then sent an error mesage because there was no content. The eml201 schema says
dateTimeDomain is optional.
- mob
Updated by Will Tyburczy over 19 years ago
- Bug 2208 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by P. Anderson about 19 years ago
It's difficult to distinguish exactly what triggers the unintended behavior. I
did notice that spatialVector was checked after a copy and paste of
missingValueCode, but then I tried copy-and-pasting a whole attribute and
spatialVector was NOT checked.
Updated by P. Anderson about 19 years ago
Will pointed out that changing any text field in the data table will check the
spatialVector field's checkbox in the morpho editor, but only if the
spatialVector is already present (which will happen if you click "show all").
This detail may be important because it illustrates that the spatialVector node
is not being added when a field's value is change. The spatialVector's state is
changed only if the spatialVector node is already present.
Updated by Jing Tao over 18 years ago
The reason caused the bug was setAllNodesAsSelected method was called duplicately. When removed one, it works.