Bug #2382
openDocumentation kar does not appear in actor tree
We have a 'Documentation' kar defined, but the actor does not appear in the
actor tree.
(We probably also need to add the DocViewerAttribute (see latest PT) to our kar
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 19 years ago
Apparently this isn't fixed. this is what zhijie said:
This bug could also be observed on a Linux machine. When searching "doc",
the result tree will auto shrink to the top level. But when the user click
through the tree hierarchy, it only displays those branches corresponding
to the search results. Probably the tree view resets its focus and
collapses its display. No other such kind of mysterious keyword was
observed so far.
dan also noted to search for DocViewer.
Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 19 years ago
This issue, reported by Zhijie, is now being tracked by Bug #2389. This bug should be used for tracking the original subject: "Documentation kar does not appear in actor tree", since it still does not show up
Updated by Matthew Brooke almost 19 years ago
Dan -
Has this Documentation actor been superseded by Edward's DocViewer? If so, let's close this bug
Updated by Dan Higgins almost 19 years ago
I would say 'no' although the two are similar. The Documentation actor provides a direct link to a html file that is useful for displaying graphically intensive docs (like equations and pictures) while DocViewer is optimized for textual descriptions.
However, relative importance is probably low. (It is used in Diversity index calculator.)