Bug #2495
closedCharset bug: Internationalization
Metacat should be modified in such a way that it can handle characters from other languages also.
Mr. Chau Chin Lin from Taiwan has reported that they have made the following set of changes in Metacat. This enables Metacat to work with 6 languages. The changes are as following:
1.MetacatServlet.java (metacat-src-1.4.0\metacat-1.4.0\src\edu\
ucsb\nceas\metacat\ MetacatServlet.java)
if (action.equals("query")) {
/*line:421*/ /*add this line*/response.setContentType("text/xml;
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
handleQuery(out, params, response, username, groupnames,
/*line:1030*/ /*add this line*/response.setContentType("text/xml;
ServletOutputStream out = null;
ZipOutputStream zout = null;
PrintWriter pw = null;
boolean zip = false;
line 27:jdbc-connect=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/metacat?charSet=UTF-8
3.jsp files(metacat-src-1.4.0\metacat-1.4.0\lib\style\skins\default)
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
UTF-8 is enforced as the character encoding for all types of communication.
Also worth noting is the way geoserver does things. It has an entry in web.xml which specifies a filter to encoding conversion
<filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
A test document with chinese characters can be found here: http://bugs.tfri.gov.tw/tfri/servlet/metacat?action=read&qformat=default&docid=test100.4.9
A chat log explaing related issues:
[10:05] <sid> the changes which i made for storing all the possible characters in &xxx; form in metacat will probably break things for Lin
[10:06] <sid> i am trying to debug it.. but we will probably need to change a bunch of code later on
[10:10] <matt> yep
[10:12] <sid> this document: http://bugs.tfri.gov.tw/tfri/servlet/metacat?action=read&qformat=xml&docid=test100.4.9
[10:13] <sid> comes back as this document: http://indus.msi.ucsb.edu/knb/metacat?action=read&qformat=xml&docid=sgtest.100.1
[10:14] <matt> if you insert it in 1.6+
[10:14] <matt> ?
[10:14] <sid> yes
[10:14] <matt> with or without their patches?
[10:14] <sid> i havnt tried the patches yet
[10:15] <matt> i think you need them
[10:15] <matt> in order to store the characters in postgres as UTF-8
[10:16] <sid> its mainly because of this code
[10:16] <sid> str.append("&#");
[10:16] <sid> str.append(Integer.toString(ch));
[10:16] <sid> str.append(';');
[10:16] <sid> so any character that we are not familiar with is converted to xx; format
[10:17] <sid> the characters that we are familiar with are the characters in the range of 31 and 128 when converted to int.. newline, carriage return, tab, &, <, >
[10:18] <sid> so that is good enough for most of the documents
[10:19] <sid> but it screws up when we have a character which is not between integer values 0 and 255
[10:19] <sid> which is the case for all other languages
[10:19] <sid> so i can try taking out this code and try setting the encoding to UTF-8 for postgres
[10:21] <sid> so any character that we are not familiar with, we try to store it as it is in metacat
[10:21] <sid> actually in that case i think we can just take away the normalize function
[10:22] <sid> as in maybe we wont need any normalization
[10:23] <sid> but this will probably screw up if the document being inserted has an encoding other than UTF-8
[10:24] <sid> so we will have to enforce that encoding or maybe have an encoding convertor filter
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