Bug #306
open[RFE] folder views to organize data packages
Feature request from Christy Bowles for a way to organize data packages in
Morpho into folders.
Additional thoughts by me about how this could work:
The current results window shows a seemingly unordered list of data packages.
As one accumulates data packages, this can get quite unruly. This RFE includes
several possible suggested improvements:
1) There is a need for a mechanism to organize data packages into virtual
folders that show up in the results window. These collections of data packages
are no more than a way of aggregating similar packages together visually, and it
does not imply anything about how the packages are stored on disk. One could
imaging for a user interface a tree-table with expandable folder icons on the
left that expand into lists of data packages. The user could drag packages from
one folder to another to organize their packages and morpho would rmember the
folder contents.
2) Note that some ways of organizing packages into folders could be automatic,
such as grouping all of the packages by originator (which brings up the issue,
could the same package appear in mutiple folders if there are multiple
originators?). This would imply an ability to switch among several 'folder
views', which might be custom user-generated groupings or automatically
generated groupings.
3) Both with or without the above folders feature, need to be able to sort on
the metadata fields that are the column headers of the table.
Although these would be nice features, they will have to wait for at least the
1.1 release of morpho.
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