Bug #3226
openEval: subplots from RExpression overly condensed
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Using nightly build 14 Apr 08 under WinXP. The code below generates a publication-quality graphic when run from the R command line. When run in an RExpression actor, however the results are pretty unattractive.
Case 1: With an imageJ actor connected, the resulting RExpressionNUM.png is extremely compressed. i.e., there is lots of white space and the subplots are cramped.
Case 2: With no imageJ actor, and the "Automatically display graphics" button checked, the resulting pdf is less cramped than the png, but still not as well-proportioned as that coming directly from R.
Note: resizing the graphic does not help - proportions remain the same
- test code for RExpression actor subplot generation
- get data and variables in order...
library(MASS) ;
names(wtloss) ; attach(wtloss) ;
w<-Weight ; d<-Days ; - set up stacked subplotting environment, plot top fig
par(mfrow=c(2,1)) ; plot(w~d) ;
res<-lm(w~d) ; abline(res) ; - plot bottom fig
r<-residuals(res) ; plot(d,r) ; - return to default graphics, clean up
par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ;
detach(wtloss) ;