Bug #3230
openMatrix Viewer actor does not accept RExpression matrices
2-way tables are a common way to view relationships between bivariate data. The The RExpression actor is quite good at generating these and the Matrix Viewer actor seems like a logical vehicle for displaying them. The Viewer does not display the matrix, however, probably because, as the documentation says, it "...accepts matrix tokens (e.g., [1, 2; 3, 4]...", which is not the way matrices are represented in R (though they can be in Matlab). I am way out of my depth in discussions of the way such data is stored in, and output from, the RExpression actor (or in R for that matter). But, maybe I can say that if you want folks to be able to generate high-quality output in workflows, adequate presentation of a 2-way table would be a pretty basic expectation.
Thank you!