Bug #3769
closedProblem with DistributedCompositeActor
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On my linux box, kepler r16420, ptII r52162 if I:
ant clean-all, ant run, kepler launches with no errors.
However, on a 2nd ant run, I get an error with DistributedComposite actor. On subsequent 'ant run's, no error. Getting this error the second time only is repeatable here (ie if i begin again with an ant clean-all).
With or without the launch error, dragging the DistributedComposite actor to canvas gives an error:
Error inside GetMomlFromLSID.getMoml(): Could not clone 'DistributedCompositeActor' from the 'org.kepler.distributed.DistributedCompositeActor' class; the object is null, possibly meaning it was not found. Perhaps there is a classpath problem and/or the karlib needs to be flushed?
[run] Error creating alternateGetMoml!
[run] com.microstar.xml.XmlException: *** Canceled. in file:/home/barseghian/dev2/kepler.modules/ at line 1 and column 97
[run] at ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser.startElement(
Updated by jianwu jianwu about 16 years ago
move distributed composite actor info to master-slave dir. From now no, if users want to use distributed composite actor, he/she has to change module to master-slave firstly.