



Bug #3795


Add row numbers in the collection box for cover data (herb data)

Added by Michael Lee about 16 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


It would make matters far simpler to have a number for each row in the collection box on the datasheet for cover data. Stem forms will NOT contain this number, as then it would be ambiguous which number to use on a specimen.

The protocol document will then be updated to instruct people how to use this, which would be the same as before, still diagonally slash the box when something is collected and turn the slash to an X when the species is identified (is that how it happens?). When the specimens are marked in their new homes of newsprint, the correct marking would be project-team-plot-page#-row#. We should create a "what's new on Pulse 2009" to contain this and other more recent updates or oft-encountered misconceptions.

The entry tool will also have to be updated to show this number (page#.row#) and allow it to be edited, but autopopulate the next line based on the previous line and reset to 1 when you reach 37.

Related issues

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Blocked by InfoVeg - Bug #3800: 1/28/2009 CONTAINER bugNewMichael Lee01/29/2009

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

beta version of datasheets posted to:

If that link doesn't work, then I probably have moved it to:
but the latter does not currently work.

Moving this bug to protocol component because now we have to document what you're supposed to do with these numbers.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

The following has been added to the protocol document, because nothing about collecting unknowns was in the document. Protocol document, version 4.2.1 (b)(coincidence that the version number and section number are identical!).

4.2.1: Species identification and collection
Each species observed within the bounds of the plot is recorded on the cover datasheet. Species names should conform to the taxonomic standard indicated on the plot datasheet (see §5.1: Taxonomic standard). Species names should be recorded as precisely as possible, using variety and subspecies names when possible. If different people are sampling stems, care should be taken to use the same species names, especially in cases where species determination is difficult. When it is not possible to determine the full species name, or in other cases where species identification is uncertain, a portion of the plant in question should be collected if such a collection is judged unlikely to harm the plant significantly. If a plant is not large or healthy enough to collect a specimen, take digital photos of the plant if possible, and/or make the best species determination possible in the field.

On the datasheet, the "species name" column should be filled in with whatever identification is currently possible, using "sp." where only genus or family can be determined, as well as any longhand descriptions of unknown plants useful in matching its specimen to the row on the datasheet (e.g., Carex "red shred long rhizome"). When there are more than one unknown species name within the same genus or family, number the species to prevent confusion as to whether this is the same species or a different one (e.g., Dichanthelium sp. #2, Dichanthelium sp. #3, etc.). Make a single diagonal slash in the "c" column ("c" stands for "collected"), marking through the row number. If the specimen can be flagged and marked, be sure to mark it with the page and row number where it was recorded on the datasheet. The collected plant specimen should be placed in a bag clearly marked with the full plot identification. The plant specimen should be pressed as soon as is reasonable, with the full plot identification (project-team-plot) as well as the page and row number corresponding to the data about the specimen (e.g., 87-4-832-1-23). Once the species name is determined, the row number makes marking the datasheet (and if data entry has already occurred, the data entry tool) much easier to update. After the species name has been updated on the cover sheet, the "c" column slash should be marked the other way to form an X, indicating that the collected specimen has been identified.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

Now I need to implement row numbers in the entry tool.

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

row numbers have been added to version v227p0203_mid1 of the entry tool.

They autopopulate, but are updatable. Maximum number of records is configurable as a module-level constant (currently 36).

todo: allow configuring of max number in x_otherOptions
todo: test some more
todo: make sure help works OK with new field
todo: test on imported data where page.row is not populated, or totally different. Hide column? Overwrite with new values?

Actions #5

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

(In reply to comment #2)

The last paragraph from comment #2 is split into 2 paragraphs:

On the datasheet, the "species name" column should be filled in with whatever identification is currently possible, using "sp." where only genus or family can be determined, as well as any longhand descriptions of unknown plants useful in matching its specimen to the row on the datasheet (e.g., Carex "red shred long rhizome"). When there are more than one unknown species name within the same genus or family, number the species to prevent confusion as to whether this is the same species or a different one (e.g., Dichanthelium sp. #2, Dichanthelium sp. #3, etc.). Make a single diagonal slash in the "c" column ("c" stands for "collected"), marking through the row number. If the specimen can be flagged and marked, be sure to mark it with the page and row number where it was recorded on the datasheet. The collected plant specimen should be placed in a bag clearly marked with the full plot identification.

If the specimen needs pressing for further identification at a later time, it must be marked with the full plot identification (project-team-plot) as well the description of the specimen, page, and row number from the datasheet, and the date pressed (e.g., 87-4-832 little opposite - Alternanthera? 1-23, 2009-AUG-14). The "c" column's slash should be marked on the other diagonal to form an "X." Once the final species name is determined, the page and row number makes updating the datasheet (and the data entry tool) much easier. After the species name has been updated on the cover sheet, the "c" column's "X" mark should be updated to "Z".

And a summary table of what goes in the "c" column added:
The "c" (collection) column
(empty): no specimen collected
/ (slash): specimen collected
X specimen pressed
Z specimen identified as well as possible

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

(In reply to comment #5)
Z will only be used in the entry tool, the following was removed from the protocol document, version 4.2.1.d:

After the species name has been updated on the cover sheet, the "c" column's
"X" mark should be updated to "Z".

And a summary table of what goes in the "c" column added:
The "c" (collection) column
(empty): no specimen collected
/ (slash): specimen collected
X specimen pressed
Z specimen identified as well as possible

the table is no longer needed, as it's just / and X now, which is understandable without the table.

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

(In reply to comment #4)

done (v227p0204_mid1): allow configuring of max number in x_otherOptions
done (v227p0204_mid2): test some more
done (v227p0204_mid2): make sure help works OK with new field
todo: test on imported data where page.row is not populated, or totally
different. Hide column? Overwrite with new values?

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Lee about 16 years ago

The import works well now, also. (entryTool, v227p0204_mid4).

Now, entry tool needs to track / X and Z for collected, but I defer that task to bug 3799.

Actions #9

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 3795


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