Bug #3944
openExternal script editors
Allow script editing (R, python, etc...) to be done outside of the basic Kepler/ptII editor in favor of <my favorite editor here>.
An "Edit with..." option would launch the editor then capture the contents on save. Not sure how exactly the implementation would work across platforms, etc.
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 16 years ago
- Bug 3184 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 16 years ago
See also the Ptolemy bug "Editing Python Scripts is difficult"
There was a Kepler bug that had a little bit of discussion
Two things would need to happen to solve this:
1) The issues covered in
would need to be solved so that the editor was brought up
when editing the parameter that includes the script
2) We would need a way for the user to select the editor.
One way would be to have an "Open with" button that would allow
the user to select the editor and then save the user's selection
in the PtolemyPreferences.