Bug #4061
closedDocumentation links are not active
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In the splash screen, none of the documentation links are active.
Help -> About -> Documentation
Brings up doc-index.htm
That file has "Kepler Getting Started Guide" etc. None of the links are active.
If we are not shipping docs, then how about a placeholder?
Otherwise the user does not know that we are intentionally not shipping docs.
This was replicated with the Installer under Mac OS X and in the SVN tree.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones almost 16 years ago
The previous build simply knew where to copy these from -- the pdf files needed are in kepler-docs. We should just augment the new build to add it in to the installer build.
Updated by Chad Berkley over 15 years ago
Fixed. The documentation is now copied into the installer unless copyDocumentation is set to false.