Bug #4275
closedEarthgrid REST API Implementation
REST equivalent of Earthgrid SOAP API should be implemented to provide an interface for accessing Metacat data management functions such as read, squery, insert, delete, etc.
Updated by Serhan Serhan over 15 years ago
accidentally assigned to michael instead of me.
Updated by Serhan Serhan over 15 years ago
1 . MetacatServlet's local functions are moved to a class named "MetacatHandler" which is initialized in the servlet then, appropriate methods are called in the servlet. I did this change to enable accessing those methods from other servlets.
2. I created "edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.restservice" package and placed a servlet named RestServlet which initializes ResourceHandler class and check paths and url parameters then initialize MetacatHandler and calls appropriate methods from it. I also did necessary definition in web.xml.
3. In src.edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.client.rest package I created a client REST API which is similar to current Metacat Client API. "MetacatRestClient" class is implementing "MetacatRest" interface which is local equivalence of server side methods. I am using it for unit tests but it may be also used in client applications which are communicating with Metacat server.
4. I created MetacatRestClientTest, a unit test class, in test/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacattest/restservice folder which is testing REST services. It is very similar to MetacatClientTest.
Updated by Matt Jones over 13 years ago
Task now being handled via #5011 DataONE service API implementation. This original work on interfaces has been obsoleted.