Bug #4511
closedThere are 2 toolbars in the Kepler main window
There are 2 toolbars in the Kepler main window, one of which is empty. I've seen this using wrp on Windows and linux. If you drag the main toolbar from its docked location, it is possible to drag a second empty toolbar from the docked area by clicking in just the right place between the menu bar and the tab bars.
Updated by Sean Riddle over 15 years ago
That's where tags go. If you add a tag, the toolbar gets sized appropriately.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
So there's a tags toolbar and the regular toolbar, and the tags menu is on the regular toolbar but the tags themselves go on the tags toolbar?
Updated by Sean Riddle over 15 years ago
That is correct. I think the tag entry bar on the main toolbar does not look particularly cluttered, but putting tags themselves onto that toolbar quickly pushed GUI elements off the screen, and generally made things look bad. To fix this, I put the tags into a separate toolbar. I could potentially put the tag entry stuff into the bottom toolbar as well, but then that would allow for less space to display the tags before things would either go off the screen or be forced to wrap.